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"I Got a Long Term Plan With Short Term Fixes"
"I Got a Long Term Plan With Short Term Fixes"

"I Got a Long Term Plan With Short Term Fixes"

1 Review


For the longest time I thought I was alone. And no one was ever going to save me. Never in a million years did I ever think that I was going to find someone who could fix me and take away the pain. But he came. He came for me when no one else did. He saved me from drowning in all the pain. He made me whole when I was only half. He was there for me even if I was never there for myself. He is who makes me who I am today. And without him. I'd be lost forever. He has there for me when I need it most. He has protected me from the darkness within my soul. He is the only one who can save me from the soul of my source of fear.

I once believed that no one could ever save me. But now I realize how wrong I was. I realize now that even in the darkness, you have a chance. You have a choice if you want to be safe. Whether you want to be healed or if you want to face it on your own. You are who you decide to be in the world. And you have the right to save yourself and be who you are. And no matter how lost you are, just remember that you will always be free.

As long as you believe.

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About This Story
14 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
1 (View)
5.0 (1 review)

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