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The man
The man

The man

1 Review

So on Monday I had to go to the emergency room from four in the evening to a little after midnight becuase I was really sick and almost passed out. I recently just got a foster family and only mover in with them about two weeks ago, we live in the North side of Pittsburgh.

So as we were driving home, about three blocks away from our house was a red light. So obviously we had to stop. I was looking out my window and that's when I saw him. A man in a wheelchair. He was smiling at us in a really creepy way that he looked possesed. I don't know whether he was or not, but he certaintly looked like he was.

In his left hand was a knife, so I yelled at my foster mom to go becuase at this point he started to yell at us and come towards us. So my foster mom ran the redlight and we got home safely.

I don't know what was wrong with that guy and if he was actually gonna hurt us or just trying to scare us, but I was fucking terrified.

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20 May, 2021
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5.0 (1 review)

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