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-Lynnyan-'s Profile


-Lynnyan- is from US United States • 16 y/o • Female

I’m not back

On the Run (Prologue)
Remeber Ida and Ernest? This is how they met...
8 mins
Words: 1604
Read Time: 8 mins
On the Run
A young girl, a young boy, and a whole lot of trouble. What chaos have they caused this time?
4 mins
Words: 926
Read Time: 4 mins
Surround Sound
A boy hears thoughts in his head. But they aren’t his own.
1 min
Words: 270
Read Time: 1 min
Lock and Key
They say books are doors into another world. What would happen if that door was opened?
11 mins
Words: 2331
Read Time: 11 mins
In Living Color (Part 2)
A sequel to a story from long time ago upon request. Colorblind girl meets colorful boy.
6 mins
Words: 1351
Read Time: 6 mins
Interrogation Technique
Literally just dialogue about an interrogation. Accused, Accuser, Accused, Accuser, and so on with every new line of dialogue.
2 mins
Words: 521
Read Time: 2 mins
What's real and what isn't?
3 mins
Words: 604
Read Time: 3 mins
Doom Befallen (Part 13)
What on Earth is going on now? Read to find out... (*mysterious music*)
3 mins
Words: 610
Read Time: 3 mins
Doom Befallen (Part 12)
The aftermath of dinner, explained the next day. I hate telling POV’s, sorry lol
4 mins
Words: 920
Read Time: 4 mins
Jack and Jill ( a “False Prince” Fan Fiction )
Jaron and Imogen’s story. Changed names to mess up a nursery rhyme. Warning: blood and death
3 mins
Words: 665
Read Time: 3 mins
The Unknown
He has questions about the past, present, and future. But answers are nowhere in sight.
1 min
Words: 263
Read Time: 1 min
Doom Befallen (Part 11)
Previously on Doom Befallen: Abigail was about to reveal her past when suddenly her mother comes home. What will Abigail do? Axel is not supposed to be at her home...
7 mins
Words: 1461
Read Time: 7 mins