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Ghost is from US United States • 23 y/o • Male

A shattered mirror shows more than a collected one

Reviews Given

Dealing With Depression for Me by Devilchild

Its great the story not the depression or loss for that matter. Yeah I get your feeling on depression and the whole thing flows nicely.

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Depression by Princesstashneem

Well I have to ask: Has this happened to you?
It was well written and flows well. If I were to change anything it would probably be to break it up some,although thats me and its a minor thing.Great Job!

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The Good Die Young by Skylar

As grim as that message is its the truth. Those who do good always seem to end up with a shorter life. It was well written.

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Broken? by Dinetzle

Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for. This is well written possibly a few minor things here and there to change and you get the point across that you're lost and broken. Good job.
Slightly off topic note:
Your author note wasn't needed. If you were going to simply erase it you wouldn't have submitted it in the first place.

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Melancholic Touch by GalaxyKarambit

1 great story
2 have you had depression? theres enough reason to think so...
3 what is up with VHQNKHOY? those keys are not close enough to be random.
enjoyed the story though keep writing

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The Sun or Rain? by Skylar

Well that is one way to look at depression and I can agree.

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Two Friends by Thomas Ray

1) That was written well, nothing grammatically wrong as far as i can tell.
2) I can completely relate to this story
Good story keep writing!

3) I sort of noticed this while reading but, add a c to Iares to get Icares which describes that friend and switch the k in miko to an n for mino which describes that friend.
Just something i noticed.

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Deep. by Mystery

1 I understand how you were feeling.( Hopefully you don't have this pain in the future.)
2 Whats with the Spanish in the author notes?
3 There are several spelling mistakes.
Enjoy the times when you don't feel like (insert negative feeling here), for those times are a small piece of happiness.

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