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JT is from US United States • 85 y/o • Male

First Time
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
A story about coming of age; transition from adolescence to adulthood.
4 mins
Words: 931
Read Time: 4 mins
Two Blinks
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
There are no second chances in life, and two blinks is all I got. (This story would probably be more meaningful, if you read it a second time.)
4 mins
Words: 931
Read Time: 4 mins
The Devil & I
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
This is neither a sermon, nor a horror story. Just a chanced encounter between two adversaries.
4 mins
Words: 813
Read Time: 4 mins
Intimate Encounters
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
A story about an intimate encounter between the body and its soul.
8 mins
Words: 1759
Read Time: 8 mins
Untold Truth
Poem by FlamingGrill (30)
Having feelings for someone who doesn't think the same about you
1 min
Words: 278
Read Time: 1 min
Someone New
Poem by FlamingGrill (30)
Finding someone who you can connect with.
1 min
Words: 258
Read Time: 1 min
I'll Be Okay
Poem by FlamingGrill (30)
Being with a partner who makes you feel complete
1 min
Words: 200
Read Time: 1 min
The Monk of St Mary's
Story by TheRelaxedWriter (37)
A darker tale of Robin Hood. Taking place outside of the popular setting, it follows a devious monks journey through the greenwood, where a disciplined group of bandits await.
42 mins
Words: 8559
Read Time: 42 mins
Day Boarders
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
Life on the streets. Being homeless, a vagrant, is an experience no-one wishes for....
8 mins
Words: 1725
Read Time: 8 mins
an odd conclusion
Story by alexander (28)
didn't know if this is inspirational but it might be enjoy the workings of this story hope you find something in it.
5 mins
Words: 1023
Read Time: 5 mins
The Teller of Tales
A flash-fiction story of a story-teller...
2 mins
Words: 504
Read Time: 2 mins
Silent Sentiments
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
In a world increasingly alienated from sentiments, this story touches upon the feelings that we fail to sense around us.
4 mins
Words: 928
Read Time: 4 mins