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Lollipop_56's Profile


Lollipop_56 is from US United States • 17 y/o

i'm in my bathtub w/ ice cream & world-building fantastical plot lines i'll never use

Reviews Given

Princess by Thomas Ray

This made me laugh because it's so true! I have so many inspirations, ideas swarming my head like a beehive and then when I finally settle down to write, I think it's horrible.
I had a great laugh and keep up the great work!

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The Only Courage by Dari Poulson

Uplifting, yet written in very few words. Keep up the great work!

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Remembrance of My Dear Dog. by Roberto Perez

I'm so sorry. Nicely written.

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The Magic of the Flame by Dari Poulson

This poem really shows the two side of things. The good and bad part. Great and keep writing!

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For You by melissak

Hi! Nice poem! Musing means it's reflection or thought of something.

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Like a Bullet by Andraaknas

Nice...but maybe you can describe how love can be good too? Besides that, I think it's a nice story. Can't wait to read the next one!

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My Broken Heart by Dari Poulson

Dark but beautifully written. Love twists people's minds and I feel like you showed that in this story. Great job!

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Crush by Dari Poulson

I can relate so much! It's really embarrassing and awkward... but you described very well!

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