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Lussac is from FR France • 62 y/o

Reviews Given

The Freja Condition by lol⁷

I loved this story; one of the best I've read here to date. Well done!

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The TIme When Magic Was Alive pt.1 by lol⁷

I agree that this could be outstanding if developed further. Obviously, it seems a little confusing at first as we are bombarded with so many fantasy characters so quickly, but there is an awful lot of good stuff here to work with.... Please stick with it and tell us some more.....

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Who's Who - Part I by Merlin Sheeba Mary R

Looking forward to Part II
Is she going to be banished from the Fairy world?

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There's an Anger by Thomas Ray

Very powerful piece of writing!

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The Dark by Thomas Ray

brilliant start. Please write some more....

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November 21st at 6:58am by 🌸Fate

Fantastic story.....

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Wikipedia Article by TheForgotten

Am intrigued..... Great start.
Are there any more instalments? I hope so

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My Imaginary Friend by

Yes, spooky describes this to a 'T'

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