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Amber Jones

MistyJJP is from US United States • 19 y/o

Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow. -Lawrence Clark Powell

Reviews Given

The End Is Only the Beginning by Aspen

I think I have to agree with this. It can be hard, this is so true.

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Truth of Dreaming by Dari Poulson

I loved the idea of it. It was very characteristic and it wasn't so bad

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Mirror Ghost (Part 1) by Dari Poulson

Good story! Just noticed though that you're missing the paragraph spaces between some of the paragraphs. I hope to read the next part soon!

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Not Fast Enough by Skylar

I think the structure of the story is fantastic! It's definitely sad, but in a touching way. I think the way it was all written out was interesting, so keep writing!

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Letters Across the Sea by Thomas Ray

That was a very clever way to convey a story. It was very inspiring. Good job!

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The Beat of Your Heart by Rora

This is so true! Music has such a magnificent way of communicating not only to hearts, but our minds and our souls. It has a way of lifting us up, telling a story, and carrying us on a wave of melody. It's truly amazing...

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Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: a Hamilton Fanfiction | Part I by EverythingIsFine

Very different style of writing than I'm used to, probably could use some grammar touch ups, but other than that I loved it!
I´m a little bit of a Hamilton nerd because my sister used to listen to it all of the time...XD...Gotta love Hamilton

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Our Glowing Change by Rora

I think this is a beautiful outlook on life, and I love it.

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