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Sheeba's Profile

Merlin Sheeba Mary R

Sheeba is from IN India • 33 y/o • Female

LIve full; Be you.
Who's Who - Part II
Story by Merlin Sheeba Mary R (33)
A human in a fairy realm; What danger it is supposed to bring? Is Marty a real human? Sink in the story of twists and surprises.
6 mins
Words: 1310
Read Time: 6 mins
Elizabeth Miller
Story by Rmabey (81)
Elizabeth Miller is a 15 year old Scottish girl, convicted of Larceny and sentenced to 7 years in the penal colony of New South Wales.
10 mins
Words: 2171
Read Time: 10 mins
Just Ten
Story by Merlin Sheeba Mary R (33)
What does the number ten signify? Perplexed, the hero experiences series of events related to the number ten. yet, he least expected the real face of ten at last.
4 mins
Words: 999
Read Time: 4 mins