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TheValhallan's Profile


TheValhallan is from US United States • 19 y/o • Male

"If you don't have any festivity and just have negativity then there's no chance you'll make it far in life" Kevin- C Students

Reviews Given

This Feeling by tayloremilyadaros

I love this! I can never say this in reality, but you summarize it up and make it look so easily. I love it! I love it so much! Keep writing! We will keep reading!

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The Unknown Girl (Pt 4) by Tiffany

I like another part. meeting the mentor. And kicking him in the nuts. That's cool too.

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The Conversation by magnamata

Nice one. I like this story, cus it discusses the basic point of "We're fucked" But also adds a nice alien bit. Helps put everything in perspective, and summarizes our current state pretty nicely. Nice one.

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The Day I Went to the Zoo by tayloremilyadaros

Hey, it's nice. I like it. It's a first step towards an army of greatness! You did a good job, I can kinda picture myself there. I get the flashes, ya know? Still, next attempt will be better. Practice practice practice! Keep writing! We will keep reading.

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Leave Me Be by tayloremilyadaros

This speaks to me more than i want to. And yeah, it's the worst feeling that a person can ever feel. But at least you get to move on. You get to find someone new, someone better. And hopefully they won't tear the heart out again. Things will get better. They have to. Every down has its up. Every trough has its crest. Keep writing, we will keep reading.

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Forever as Two by tayloremilyadaros

That... it seems happy, but then I read again, and I get kinda sad :P.
Anyways, I like it! It's simplistic, but not, you know what I mean?
I hope you keep writing! We will keep reading!

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Esper Chapter 2 by scorp

And so the romance-in-a-literal-almost-hellscape-world-filled-with-people-that-can-literaly-murder-you-instantly begins.

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Halloween Night by Anonymus Reviewer

THat's a sweet story! It looks like it's from the perspective of a sheltered kid. But, if not, then it's still pretty sweet! Setting it up as either a story for a devilish world, or one of sheltered children. Who knows? (Well, of course you do, I mean, you wrote this)
But, I love it! Keep writing! We will keep reading!

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