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why_now is from US United States • 20 y/o • Female


Reviews Given

dear you (part one) by ♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥

awww <3 i love youu
I am so glad we are friends and I really hope one day we can meet in real life:)

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New Best Friend by Augusta

Love it! You are a really good writer!

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My Last Letter to My Mom by DD051005

very nicely written! very emotion-filled.

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The Inferno’s Lover by Damian Huffer

I love this!! You have a good way with words :)

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Midnight Masquerade by AaronTheRocker

very good writing!!!

1 Edit Delete
Not Alone by AaronTheRocker

really good. loved the detail!

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He Did It | Part 2 by polaroid

I love this!! again, the detail is amazing! I cannot wait for part 3! keep up the good work

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