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why_now is from US United States • 20 y/o • Female


Reviews Given

Wikipedia Article by TheForgotten

Write more please!!

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Pretend You Don't See Her by Andy (Formerly Apemann)

I really enjoyed this piece...I've been bullied for the past 9 years, being in high school doesn't make it better either. I like how I can connect to this piece but not in a good way. Your writing is truly amazing!

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Is This Real? by Soppe

I want more!!!! Your a good writer!

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I'm Sorry by deadgirl2004

your a good writer

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Bitter Words by Skylar


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Last Words by RLMaring

love it

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Sleepless by Andraaknas

I love your stories! please write more

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1955 by polaroid

LOVE your style of writing! you are very good at it

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