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I Hate Crying Reviews

6 reviews have given an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 Stars
starry-starry-night gave a rating of 1

author is homophobe and transphobe

Jan Brooks gave a rating of 5

This... I can relate, everything you listed here, is why I hate crying. Every time I cry, I tell myself this: Crying doesn't indicate that your weak, it has always been a sign that you're alive.
-Charlotte Bronte

Lyn Words to live by. Thank you for reading and sharing that with me!
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hvdiyya gave a rating of 5

I cry, crying isn't weak, it's your strength. It's how you express your emotions rather than keeping it all in. It's how you make yourself feel better.

Lyn Not for me. it makes me feel worse, like crying will make others upset if they know that I'm upset. that's why I stay silent
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♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥ gave a rating of 5

i'm a crybaby so all of those feelings (except for maybe the snotty nose) are very comforting qwq but this is still very nice!

Lyn yeah, the snotty nose was more for a slight chuckle
but thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed :D
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Sad🥺 gave a rating of 5

I used to hate crying also but now I just want to cry but I cant. It's like I have no tears

Lyn That's an awful feeling. I'm sure your tears will come back sooner or later, tho
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Sad🥺 yeah I hope and This was good! I enjoyed it
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Lyn im glad you did!
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~ twixx ~ gave a rating of 5

very nice!!!!! eeeeeeeE :D might be. . . ever so slightly inspired by something i never finished writing, right? lol

Lyn I, uh-
No, I don't think so. Maybeee?? I cant remember-
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