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Andrew_And_Ana's Profile


Andrew_And_Ana is from US United States • 17 y/o • Male

Reviews Given

A Side of Suicide (Shiloh's Fate, Idea One) by IlliterateCat007

I'm crying rn.. that was such a good story!

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Love Is Gone by Despicable_Moi

Love it!

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The Elevator Numbers by xXGLB-LifeStudioXx

Scary.. please write more

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(Not) Worth It by Despicable_Moi

Honestly, I have no word to this poem. It is awesome

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Talking Cat by Despicable_Moi

That's me and my doggo lol

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The Other Side of Emotions by Sad🥺

I've been through this, many times actually. I felt that my dad never loved me, and that people used me. But once I got through that I found the love that people sent through hugs, gifts, even saying certain words. Just don't do this

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This was the best story I've ever read. This, despite the cancer and break up, is me and my girlfriend. We do long distance, but she means the world to me.

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Ana by Aimee

I love the poem, but I had no words once finishing this

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