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kiraafinifrock's Profile


kiraafinifrock is from US United States • 23 y/o • Female

welcome to my personal journal

Reviews Given

The Brain by Poet

I love this concept that you've followed here, there's so much psychology about right and left brains. The clashing of the two is so interesting as well. Super great idea for a poem, short and sweet and still exploratory. Cool poem!

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The World We Live in by eloise2006

I'm giving this five stars because of the heart you put in it. Just the tip of the iceberg of so much policing and oppression against women in this culture. You are worth more than all of it. Thanks for sharing these truths.

I like the repetition you did with the beginning and the end. There were some grammatical errors, such as "..we were told we were pretty but men we didn't know" should by "by men" instead. My favorite lines are "we have been silenced to our opinions" and "we have been told that what we say is wrong." Such a strong and bold piece.

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Tonal Shades of Lightning by lemonslice

I really appreciate your use of words and the way you draw comparisons. This story is strong and elaborate in such a short amount of words, it really drew my attention to it. I can tell you have a great imagination as it comes out in your writing. I found this story to be jagged and demanding and colorful. Thanks for sharing

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One Last Time by lemonslice

Smoothly bliss and heatbreaking.

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Outside My Small Window by Amber Jones

beautiful concept, simple and crisp and I love the play of give and take with us and nature. This is really good.

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How I Got Lost by MyThoughts

This is a really brave piece. A lot of people will argue so much about this and go against what you're saying (likely to suppress their own guilt), but it's so true and so important to talk about it. Porn is a quiet disease that needs to be addressed more. The depths of its darkness feeds and is really toxic. Thanks for sharing this part of your story.

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Morwenna Gloop by DD051005

This is very creative and colorful with mega undertones. The strangeness of the details is beautiful. The story telling and progression was good, too. It felt short and choppy but also flowing through. Like a wave, but a lot of them. Nice work.

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I'm Complete With My Friend by Patriciamaeaoyang

Absolutely beautiful. I hope the best for you both.

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