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kiraafinifrock is from US United States • 23 y/o • Female

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Reviews Given

The Brain by Poet

I love this concept that you've followed here, there's so much psychology about right and left brains. The clashing of the two is so interesting as well. Super great idea for a poem, short and sweet and still exploratory. Cool poem!

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Un-Label by AaronTheRocker

I definitely agree, there's actually a criminal justice term called the Labeling Theory that explores exactly that. It's usually more used with addicts, criminals, homeless, and those labels, but it applies for all. Thanks for letting us into your brain.

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Until the Sky Comes Crashing Down by Lyn

I didn't find this cringey or cheesy at all- this is actually well done, especially for your age. I enjoy how you separated the sections, steered away from just repeating the title too many times, but I especially enjoy the first two lines. Very captivating intro and heartfelt without exposing a vein. Distant but still genuine. Thanks for sharing this!

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Mother Says She Wants Me Dead by AaronTheRocker

The point of art is to cause controversy by bringing an issue to light- whether it be an internal conflict, a political issue, a human rights issue or anything else. Thank you for utilizing art in its purposed form.

You often incorporate a sort of song style with background singers through parenthesis, it's almost a traditional trait of yours so I appreciate that was put in here again. I like how you personified Time and Nature as well as the lines "fragile life turned broken glass." This poem is a story with beautiful structure and perspective that catches your gut and makes you think. Thanks, again, for sharing a piece of your mind with us.

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Under The Sun by AaronTheRocker

This reminds me of the book Ecclesiastes. Everything we see will perish and is essentially meaningless; it's what we do with what we see that channels meaning. The idea of anchoring all these aspects with the same phrase "like everything under the sun" reminds us of how we're all connected in this way. It's an interesting style because there's a hint of dread and hope at the same time. Cool concept.

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Blossom and Bloom by AaronTheRocker

I love this idea of nature being dead and resurrected through Spring- it truly is the cycle of growth in us as well and the way you portrayed it was vivid. I do believe nature knows truths about life that we simply don't. Thanks for sharing my appreciation with nature in this piece.
I especially like the third stanza. Growth is so painful yet so important. What we do matters and our suffering is not in vain. Again, all of this is literally the story of the Gospel so that what it reminds me of- we were dead in our sins until Jesus allowed for us to be born again through His spirit. Ephesians 2:1-10 is all about this concept. Rebirth is painful and the fruits of it are love. I also appreciate the title and repetition of Blossom and Bloom. I didn't know the difference of these two concepts until I looked them up, and it's very fitting for the purpose of this piece, so I like that detail too.

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Outside My Small Window by Amber Jones

beautiful concept, simple and crisp and I love the play of give and take with us and nature. This is really good.

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How I Got Lost by MyThoughts

This is a really brave piece. A lot of people will argue so much about this and go against what you're saying (likely to suppress their own guilt), but it's so true and so important to talk about it. Porn is a quiet disease that needs to be addressed more. The depths of its darkness feeds and is really toxic. Thanks for sharing this part of your story.

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