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Legolas_Greenleaf's Profile

πŸ“ π’žπ’½π“Šπ’Έπ“€ πŸ“

Legolas_Greenleaf is from US United States • 18 y/o • Female

"There you are sweetheart sorry I'm late I was looking everywhere for you."-Howl

πŸ“ π’žπ’½π“Šπ’Έπ“€ πŸ“

Reviews Given

The Crooked Man (DO NOT RECITE ALOUD) by 505771

cool, dark for a 12 yr old, but cool

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Just a Small Girl in a Big World by Ace

I would Love a second part

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The Wind Knew by Thomas Ray

I think that the wind is God, the dark is sin, the light is salvation and heaven, the fear is satan, and the people are being lead to salvation. I really love the story! I think you did a good job of describing and telling the story of the people.

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Saying I Love You Part.1 by Black Sheep

AWWWWWW Saylarter is officially Saylas and Carter's ship name...

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Saying I Love You Part.3 by Black Sheep

it's all coming together now!

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Do You Care? by Black Sheep

I agree with stormy, that was powerful! I care too.

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Respect and Honor by Aspen

I LOVE it! So many people would disagree, or not say their opinion!

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Hoes Before Bros by Macy

This is so true, I've had to help a friend who got her heartbroken. Basically all our friends ganged up to help her and we summoned the power of darkness and got revenge (lol!) But in the end, after we called the guy out, we all silently agreed that we would do anything for each other.

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