Reviews Given
I liked this story.
I enjoyed your story. Thank you for sharing your memory with us all.
I like the 'honesty' of your style.
If this is autobiographical, I feel for you. Have courage, you'll find other like-minded souls along the way....
And carry on writing!
I'm just wondering why you classed this as 'religious'?
Anyway, so far so good, I look forward to reading more
How tragic! And I love the end too....
Very well written, you have talent. I hope I can read some more of your stories.
please find time to write some more, you have talent
So is his name Mark or Paul?
Otherwise I quite liked it
Had me engrossed - until the very last sentence.... Not sure about the "dream-end" though I must admit..... made me swap from a 5 star to 4 star