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Amber Jones

MistyJJP is from US United States • 19 y/o

Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow. -Lawrence Clark Powell

Reviews Given

I Can't Understand! by Rora

I feel like you can't really understand because you haven't done or experienced any of those things, but as far as the literature goes, I think it's pretty good.

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Zadie Ann White by Rora

It was definitely a very unique and interesting take on Time travel, especially the discovery of it. I can appreciate the originality of the work. Good job!

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Mirror Ghost (Part 1) by Dari Poulson

Good story! Just noticed though that you're missing the paragraph spaces between some of the paragraphs. I hope to read the next part soon!

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The End Is Only the Beginning by Aspen

I think I have to agree with this. It can be hard, this is so true.

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A Deadly Girl by Rora

Wow. This was a very evocative story, good job!

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Choices Burden by Rora

There are so many different voices in our lives, constantly telling us to do something, pushing our decision in a certain direction. So there is a lot of pressure behind making a choice...Good job.

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Sounds Are Precious by Rora

Pretty good...

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Sweet Sweet Voice by Rora

Could be edited, but still. Wow. That was good.

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