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(Showing 127 - 147 of 11687 Results)
The Imposter 18+
Story by Lorient Montaner (45)
After the death of his father, Martin Eichenwald is confronted by his doppelganger, who will usurp his name and position.
37 mins
Words: 7553
Read Time: 37 mins
Story by hercules (35)
A girl called Lily believe's she incarnated on Earth from another planet in the remote past.
2 mins
Words: 435
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by HSuys (56)
Fairy tale turns horror
<1 min
Words: 101
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A dream that I saw, brought into words. Whatever this dream wanted me to realize, it did its job quite well.
1 min
Words: 211
Read Time: 1 min
Story by jim brown (80)
No one can understand why I left the perfect job, including me, to work in a hostile environment.
19 mins
Words: 3959
Read Time: 19 mins
Commando Existential
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘War (conflict) means fighting (contact), and fighting (contact) means killing (inflicting & incurring casualties)’- Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest (politically incorrect male)
14 mins
Words: 2991
Read Time: 14 mins
Back to blonde
Poem by Theo (17)
Couldn’t sleep so I wrote this instead of doing homework
<1 min
Words: 158
Read Time: <1 min
Something in Between, Just You and I
Poem by HudaFatima (32)
A fallen leaf, a beating heart and a stolen gaze in closed spaces.
<1 min
Words: 143
Read Time: <1 min
Picnic in Upton Park
Story by JPYoung (67)
Life is a picnic on a precipice – W.H. Auden
13 mins
Words: 2671
Read Time: 13 mins
Story by hercules (35)
A few pieces of writing based on Star Wars, but with several twists and a touch of humour.
5 mins
Words: 1169
Read Time: 5 mins
bananas on your cereal
Musing by Hermione Malfoy (17)
based on a song i wrote~ from an album called "from the back of the classroom"
<1 min
Words: 158
Read Time: <1 min
A Sporting Fight
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘I hate all sports as rabidly as a person who likes sports hates common sense’. - H. L. Mencken
10 mins
Words: 2073
Read Time: 10 mins
Poem by hercules (35)
Poem about the land of Lemuria
<1 min
Words: 119
Read Time: <1 min
Platero and I: Father
Story by HSuys (56)
Ode to Juan Ramon Jiménez
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Winter’s Secret Treasure
Story by JPYoung (67)
Treasure means riches.
11 mins
Words: 2267
Read Time: 11 mins
Poem by hercules (35)
My own imaginary ascent of Everest.
1 min
Words: 376
Read Time: 1 min
Paralled Worlds or Haunted
Story by Danieloptera (71)
Is there a another words beside ours, perhaps where ghosts and spirits live. I explore this with my experience.
6 mins
Words: 1203
Read Time: 6 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Fourteen 18+
The stolen kiss
6 mins
Words: 1340
Read Time: 6 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Thirteen 18+
Bright star, she rises with the night.
6 mins
Words: 1318
Read Time: 6 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Twelve 18+
Day turns to night
5 mins
Words: 1046
Read Time: 5 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Eleven 18+
The Duel, or something like that.
6 mins
Words: 1361
Read Time: 6 mins