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akumumasochist is from GB United Kingdom • 27 y/o

I love you, Master
Story by Roosie131 (23)
3 mins
Words: 620
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by LeahTronic (30)
as i walk down the street tears slide down my cheeks my love for you is stronger than ever my kisses... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 51
Read Time: <1 min
forever held captive
Story by LeahTronic (30)
forever in my heart never letting go your persistence hurts me you follow me again and again i wish ... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 129
Read Time: <1 min
the blade
Story by LeahTronic (30)
it makes me feel so good the sharp coldness of the blade smiling as it bites me it bites me hard hot... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
how long
Story by LeahTronic (30)
how long will it take to feel alive how long shall i feel dead how long will i stare at the sky how ... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 54
Read Time: <1 min
lonley tears
Story by LeahTronic (30)
how much time has she left in this world full of death no one there when she cries except for me by ... (continued)
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
the girl across the road...
Story by lucylovesgloves (28)
they said it was haunted, they said she was missing, really she was always there....
10 mins
Words: 2029
Read Time: 10 mins
All he ever wanted
Story by neil518 (27)
All the boy ever wanted for the people in his life.
1 min
Words: 379
Read Time: 1 min
Thinking of Suicide?
Story by lucylovesgloves (28)
No one understands you; no one knows what you’re going through, you’re alone or at least that’s what you think....
5 mins
Words: 1158
Read Time: 5 mins
A tale of a Lovely Night. 18+
Story by Jaggergum (26)
All harry wanted was sex,And thats what he got...With his DAUGHTER??
13 mins
Words: 2742
Read Time: 13 mins
Story by phantoms_mask (31)
How do you win a war?
<1 min
Words: 80
Read Time: <1 min
I Didn't Know
Story by phantoms_mask (31)
poem written about a friend
<1 min
Words: 46
Read Time: <1 min
Story by phantoms_mask (31)
Where are your scars? (this is a fictional story)
1 min
Words: 332
Read Time: 1 min
Scars Pt. 2
Story by phantoms_mask (31)
Continuation of Scars (just so you know Thais is pronounced Ty-yeece)
5 mins
Words: 1024
Read Time: 5 mins