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Anarchy's Avatar


Anarchy is from US United States • 20 y/o

Birth Year
Star Sign
28 Nov, 2017
Last Visit
4 years ago
Ratings Received
4.5 from 4 reviews

|I love writing and reading so if you have anything that I would read then don't hesitate to send it m way.|

|I usually do write dark stories with heavy topics. Sometimes I might include one that isn't so dark, but usually it has a heavy topic included.|

|I have an account on Wattpad that I post real stories on. I am trying to update them more, but it takes a bit. Also I have a book of my short stories that I occasionally post on here.|

|I have a more advanced bio on my Wattpad because that has been in progress for a while, but I hate trying to make new ones.|

|Stay Rebellious My Rebels|

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