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JustSomeGirl is from US United States • 22 y/o • Female

Don't judge me Until you know the story behind the smile.
The Maiden Who Stole My Heart
Poem by PinkyTune (19)
The Maiden Who Stole My Heart
<1 min
Words: 149
Read Time: <1 min
Story by TheForgotten (22)
Claire has always had a hard time fitting in, one night something very strange happens.
13 mins
Words: 2600
Read Time: 13 mins
Oh Little Boy 18+
Story by JustSomeGirl (22)
Just a rhyming short story.
2 mins
Words: 486
Read Time: 2 mins
She'll Always Miss Her.
Story by Dxvn5 (24)
Time had passed since she last saw her. She was trying to move on but life without her just didn't seem right...
1 min
Words: 277
Read Time: 1 min
On the Fence About Love (Part 2)
Story by Madison_Writes (22)
Continuation of part 1.
2 mins
Words: 555
Read Time: 2 mins
Let Me Go
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A short poem...
<1 min
Words: 34
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Madison_Writes (22)
What we hide...
<1 min
Words: 156
Read Time: <1 min
The Voices
Poem by farahmirzad (25)
This is a poem of a time I was feeling alone and I thought no one cared about me.
<1 min
Words: 87
Read Time: <1 min
I Can't Hold on Much Longer
Story by JustSomeGirl (22)
I guess I will never find someone. Who wants a screw up like me?
1 min
Words: 274
Read Time: 1 min
An Ironical Situation
Story by PinkyTune (19)
A rainy day viewed in the perspective of a 12-year-old. A story that would make you feel that rainy days needn't be sad, gloomy, and depressing...
3 mins
Words: 776
Read Time: 3 mins