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(Showing 1 - 21 of 82 Results)
Story by jim brown (80)
No one can understand why I left the perfect job, including me, to work in a hostile environment.
19 mins
Words: 3959
Read Time: 19 mins
Way to Go, Mississippi! 18+
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
Mississippi has banned gender reassignment surgeries for minors, and Matt Walsh gave an excellent speech as the governor signed the ban.
5 mins
Words: 1064
Read Time: 5 mins
Butterfly Kisses
Poem by Lover_Loser (17)
A poem I made based off of a very light purple color.
<1 min
Words: 175
Read Time: <1 min
The Shires
Story by Mike_the_Rookie (75)
Set in Sussex, it brings people of different political persuasions together. Initially in a light-hearted way, it becomes more serious with the promise of action at the end.
19 mins
Words: 3834
Read Time: 19 mins
Story by Mike_the_Rookie (75)
About two Afghan teenage asylum seekers and friendship along the way.
22 mins
Words: 4582
Read Time: 22 mins
Who to Blame for the Shootings in the United States
Story by Roberto Perez (53)
I am showing you how most Americans are at risk of dying in shootings.
1 min
Words: 330
Read Time: 1 min
Trans-Dissident: Social-Interaction
Musing by AaronTheRocker (21)
I used to have an open mind within Trans-ideology - even when I disagree with a majority of it. Then it changed. Social-interaction concept.
9 mins
Words: 1850
Read Time: 9 mins
The Tree's Final Night
Poem by Willie (16)
The Tree represents our failing Government at the time.
<1 min
Words: 91
Read Time: <1 min
The Largest Humanitarian Crisis in the World (Yemeni Civil War Speech)
Story by ishaani_dhanotra (18)
2022 World Issue Speech- Yemeni Civil War
11 mins
Words: 2380
Read Time: 11 mins
Dead Promises
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
The loss of freedoms and liberties in the USA
<1 min
Words: 106
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
The story of the TAPI Oil Pipeline
<1 min
Words: 152
Read Time: <1 min
Mind Wars: The Poem
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
DARPA N3 Brain Bio and Neural Link experimentation carried out by many corporations, private and military contractors, institutions and universities long involved in CIA unethical human experimentatio
1 min
Words: 201
Read Time: 1 min
Blinded by Division
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
Divide and conquer
<1 min
Words: 77
Read Time: <1 min
She Lay Shaking 18+
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
A story of cointelpro operations in America
1 min
Words: 303
Read Time: 1 min
Death Dying Pain Sorrow
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
Death Dying Pain Sorrow
<1 min
Words: 45
Read Time: <1 min
Death Dying Pain Sorrow
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
Death Dying Pain Sorrow
<1 min
Words: 45
Read Time: <1 min
We hold these truths to be self evident
Story by KeithLankford (60)
The life and death of MLK and the Civil Rights Movement
4 mins
Words: 968
Read Time: 4 mins
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
The Internet of “THINGS”
<1 min
Words: 179
Read Time: <1 min
The Fall of Kabul
Poem by KeithLankford (60)
The Taliban and the Fall of Kabul
<1 min
Words: 158
Read Time: <1 min
Costa Revo
Story by Ahmed Adem (48)
The aim of this story is to illustrate the positive results of immigration and the positive influence that the immigrants play in the countries they immigrate to. However, the story is currently embodied in the current controversy over the law to withdr
30 mins
Words: 6007
Read Time: 30 mins
A Single Window
"Life is so much more successfully viewed from a single window, after all." - F. Scott Fitzgerald.
<1 min
Words: 97
Read Time: <1 min