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AaronTheRocker's Avatar


AaronTheRocker is from US United States • 21 y/o • Male

"There's only so much we know compared to the potential of what is to be known. I know that, because we all learn and don't have all the answers."

Sailing Away
Getting away from reality and losing life.
1 min
Words: 291
Read Time: 1 min
Independent Minds
How beautiful they are. It's a musing poem.
2 mins
Words: 539
Read Time: 2 mins
Everything's Gonna Be Alright
It'll be just fine.
1 min
Words: 284
Read Time: 1 min
Winter's Realm
Outside, I let my mind free.
1 min
Words: 361
Read Time: 1 min
Silhouette Man
A little girl meets a silhouette of a man who wants her to see him...the real him.
8 mins
Words: 1637
Read Time: 8 mins
A person in the hospital re-stepping his actions in the blurry past. *drug reference, violence and use of words*
1 min
Words: 284
Read Time: 1 min
After The Rain
The rain is gone, hope and happiness is rejoiced in your world. Another pantoum I wrote.
<1 min
Words: 108
Read Time: <1 min
Paint Me A Picture
Why a picture is worth a thousand words.
5 mins
Words: 1000
Read Time: 5 mins
Play Us a Song
A pantoum based around the best genres, Rock and Metal music.
<1 min
Words: 86
Read Time: <1 min
Horror Shorts #2
Short "stories" that hopefully scare you.
1 min
Words: 291
Read Time: 1 min
Horror Shorts
Few sentence "stories" that might give chills, hopefully. NOTE: some cliche ideas
1 min
Words: 273
Read Time: 1 min
Dreaming of Father
A young child who lost his father has flash memories in his lucid dream of his father and see's what happened to him.
13 mins
Words: 2799
Read Time: 13 mins