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BeYourAnime is from US United States • 42 y/o

I Just Want Someone to Understand
Story by why_now (20)
What I go through...what goes through my mind...I just want someone to understand
1 min
Words: 238
Read Time: 1 min
The Girl With Depression
Story by why_now (20)
This girl battling with her depression even though she has a lot of friends. Proves how many people can be fooled... :(
1 min
Words: 236
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Tiffany (23)
A nightmare that ends cutely. (the main character has powers... so.... yea)
2 mins
Words: 463
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by why_now (20)
How I feel on a daily basis...especially when I have to ride the bus... :(
1 min
Words: 332
Read Time: 1 min
I Am Only 14
Story by why_now (20)
If you are looking for someone to understand...
1 min
Words: 203
Read Time: 1 min