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kiraafinifrock is from US United States • 23 y/o • Female

welcome to my personal journal

Reviews Given

After The Rain by AaronTheRocker

This poem reminds me of many things. The first is Jesus and the grace of God because you repeat how the shame has been washed- a concept that's used repeatedly to describe how our shame and past are all washed away through His grace.
I also love how you say "there's a rainbow in your heart" and describe all the negative as outside and positive as inside, hinting that goodness comes from within. I like how you said the "life in survived trees" because that hints there's been a massive storm and it stripped everything away until there was only the goodness left. Beautiful metaphors in this poem.
It also reminds me of the song After The Rain by Rev Theory, so that's good, too. Sometimes, storms do indeed bring clarity.

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A Letter to the Past by scorp

This is really good and really powerful. The ability to reflect on yourself and your past is actually really hard to do. I especially like this sentence: "I saw you, bit by bit, the defeat slumping your shoulders, tainting your soul." The distance you've identified between you and your experiences and the old you all in one swirl mixed with your self-awareness is incredible. Super interesting stuff and written in an impactful way.

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Imagining by Skylar

Super good reflection on how the image-world we're all told to seek isn't always as satisfying as it seems

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Dear mom, I'm a stranger? by Zack

It's really hard to feel like you're not seen. I'm sorry you have to experience those deeply painful emotions.

Your worth isn't defined by the opinions of others, and I know how hard that is to grasp when it's your own mother, but try to take heart. There's always light.

Pretty good writing for the topic and audience. I would suggest adding more details and digging deeper into pulling those out of yourself and onto paper, but deeply personal ones like this are always more about what you think of them- just a little suggestion.

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Man by Itzel920

very genuine and reflective, thanks for sharing this. I like how you tied the standards you have for love with everyone to the love you received/ didn't receive with your parents, that's really discerning of you- a lot of people don't connect the two when they truly are so connected. Just a couple things are the grammar, so for example "My standers for people dyed" should be "my standards for people died" and so forth. I can tell the piece came from your heart so thanks for that. Just know, you're allowed to feel anger and your anger is valid.

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My Story (Birth- Now) by Child_of_God

Hey sara,

my mom left when I was ten years old, too. we didn't talk for seven years and when we finally did there were a lot of mixed and confusing emotions. I vividly remember how hard those times were. my heart goes out to you. I'm nineteen now, and I'm here to tell you it gets better. that your story becomes your motivation to get up every day and make someone else's story a little brighter. that your worth is not defined by the actions or belief of others, but by the God who created and loves every piece of you and that He is with you and me in every heartache, whether we feel it or not. thanks for sharing the main events of your life with us.

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Someday or Sometime by Kat

Everything fit well for the topic, good use of structure.

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Girl With Experience by fiza mohammad

very interesting and realistic story

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