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kiraafinifrock's Profile


kiraafinifrock is from US United States • 22 y/o • Female

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Reviews Given

Deep. by Mystery

This is one of the most honest stories I've seen in a while.
The line "I felt nothing sometimes and everything all at once other times" hit me very deeply. That overwhelming sensation of desperation and emptiness, yet swollen with so much despair, is a feeling I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. You can dm me ANYTIME you need to talk about ANYTHING. I promise you, feelings are temporary. Just as happiness won't last forever, neither will sadness. Keep your head up.

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It's My Life by HazbinAllover

There were definitely some grammatical errors and spelling, as well as punctuation, but that can be fixed with some adjustments. I can tell this kind of fantasy story is something you like to indulge yourself in and somehow relate to, so that intrigues me a lot. It does seem a bit predictable but I also haven't read the next part yet, so maybe I'll be wrong :) overall, the story line is something of a typical teenage broken outcast surrounded by beautiful people- it may do some good to point out imperfections in the characters and talk about those things to add some more dynamic to the story. I am, however, enticed to read part two!

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This Is Me by HazbinAllover

Simple and raw. Very honest and pure with some kind of lingering fire. I, too, am familiar with these family dynamics- just know you're never alone, someone out there is rooting for you and you wouldn't even know.

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It's My Life Part 2 by HazbinAllover

And it is just as I had expected after part one! Again, many spelling and grammatical errors that almost distract the reader from the juice of the story. The character development of the main character is good.

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I I I I by A Person

Everything about this intrigues me. Every single paragraph. On the edge of my seat yet desperately confused. One things for sure: whether this is a true story of you, or a made up story with a main character, the person telling the story has developed a selfless empathy. Wanting to take the hate out of someone else's heart for their own sake is a painful yet beautiful gift. Please write more.

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I Didn't Mean It by A Person

This reminds me of some ancient Victorian story of a house full of dynamic kids. Thank you for describing all of them, even if only a little, because that truly help set the stage more and I feel some people neglect that. Again, very confused. Very intrigued.

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I I by A Person

Already addicted to this series. Foreshadowing at the max right now. How come you chose a violin?

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A Letter to the Past by scorp

This is really good and really powerful. The ability to reflect on yourself and your past is actually really hard to do. I especially like this sentence: "I saw you, bit by bit, the defeat slumping your shoulders, tainting your soul." The distance you've identified between you and your experiences and the old you all in one swirl mixed with your self-awareness is incredible. Super interesting stuff and written in an impactful way.

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