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Tinymonster123 is from US United States • 28 y/o

Student Council
A young girl goes to a high school that had a huge secret. The student council members were demons who have been waiting for this girl...
24 mins
Words: 4883
Read Time: 24 mins
Last 24 Hours
Three dates of fate were on her wrist but the worst part was that they all matched up... Finding their soulmate, accomplishing their dream and dying.
5 mins
Words: 1010
Read Time: 5 mins
The Journal on the Train
A boy finds a journal on the train that was about a dead man. What was his life like? Did he have loved ones?
4 mins
Words: 995
Read Time: 4 mins
Salem Witch Trails
A girl goes back in time and she goes to the time of witch trails but she has red hair....
8 mins
Words: 1760
Read Time: 8 mins
A girl finds her soulmate in the oddest ways...
7 mins
Words: 1409
Read Time: 7 mins
The Flowers
Flowers that are the source of people's pain. What happens? Will people die?
9 mins
Words: 1844
Read Time: 9 mins