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(Showing 1 - 21 of 805 Results)
The Lights
Story by Sandra (23)
What we see is not always the reality.
1 min
Words: 307
Read Time: 1 min
Story by salpa58 (81)
Growing up in the fifties was very different time, and being a teenager was also very different. I actually talked my parents into letting me go on a date, and not an easy task back then. You won't believe what happened.
6 mins
Words: 1254
Read Time: 6 mins
Girls Come Home 18+
Story by Suma (48)
A story about three sisters, three women who have grown apart, but now making a conscious effort to come close because the forces that did it for them are no longer there.
22 mins
Words: 4496
Read Time: 22 mins
Story by gregsacchet (63)
Serendipity brings a man and woman together - 45 years later
4 mins
Words: 870
Read Time: 4 mins
The Devil at the Crossroads
Story by Ricky Taylor (53)
A Day in the Life of Author Ricky Taylor
22 mins
Words: 4571
Read Time: 22 mins
Story by EagertoWrite44 (52)
A story of children sticking together.
2 mins
Words: 444
Read Time: 2 mins
The Silence of Demons
Story by WASP (40)
This autobiographical work explores the themes of existence, mental illness, meaninglessness, and the nature of the 'self'.
6 mins
Words: 1259
Read Time: 6 mins
Dear Younger Me
Story by Sad🥺 (18)
A letter to my younger self
<1 min
Words: 170
Read Time: <1 min
Fake Friends
Story by scorp (17)
True friendship is hard to find.
<1 min
Words: 129
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Jilligan (49)
A look at God's work of redemption in my life after Changed.
11 mins
Words: 2260
Read Time: 11 mins
real you
Story by scorp (17)
Breaking heart and shooting stars, isn’t it what it’s all about? Midnight kisses and and being your man’s misses...Isn’t that what you want?
<1 min
Words: 131
Read Time: <1 min
The Little Girl in the Village
Story by Udayangani (40)
A day in the life of a young Sri Lankan Schoolgirl
13 mins
Words: 2689
Read Time: 13 mins
Face of the Earth
Poem by Matt Decker (46)
What if our world had a literal face?
<1 min
Words: 177
Read Time: <1 min
A Glass of Water
Story by Nesh (30)
Situations, and life perhaps don't always happen for a reason. But we are meant to find it out.
1 min
Words: 350
Read Time: 1 min
Thank You Truly Isn't Enough
Poem by Aspen (20)
This is a poem about how lucky I am to have such Amazing people in my life.
<1 min
Words: 151
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Avantika Bhosle (24)
It's how you see what you want to see.
<1 min
Words: 58
Read Time: <1 min
Everyone Else
Musing by FlamingGrill (30)
A lot of stories on here are to do with depression, suicide, and how that person feels. I'd like to show people the other side of the coin and how it affects the people around them.
3 mins
Words: 616
Read Time: 3 mins
Lola 18+
Story by Benartflick (75)
During a visit to my local bar, my nephew and I meet a gorgeous woman. The younger man shows his true character.
8 mins
Words: 1704
Read Time: 8 mins
Best and Friends
Story by Tammy (21)
How to be best with best friends.
1 min
Words: 275
Read Time: 1 min
Count Dante: "The Deadliest Man Who Ever Lived"
Story by garwom1 (72)
Count Dante was one of the original martial artists in the U.S.
24 mins
Words: 4870
Read Time: 24 mins
How Could You?
Story by sorrynotsorry (21)
This is a true story about how a girl falls into despair....
3 mins
Words: 701
Read Time: 3 mins