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The Phren (ο φρεν)
-An introduction to the philosophy of Meleticism.
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Story by hercules
A woman called Jessica is visited by a Pleiadean.
My Almost Lover
A man at a bar and a girl with a pen.
My Child
Sad eerie cradle song-like writing of a jealous mother.
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Aftermath (Part 1)
In which the world is blurry and hurtful

Random Other Short Stories

Forget You
Poem by Loner
Okay, soo I'm only good at poems.
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I'm Satans Daughter
Story by Nugget
So the main character - Avalon - is kind of like how I act irl
The Moon: A Hopeless Romantic
Story by lime
it's hard loving someone who will never love you back
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Now I'm Gone
Story by not_good_enough
When I was depressed this is what I used to think about. Try not feel this way; if you do feel like this then it is okay to talk to someone about it and seek help.:)
The Place Where We Wait
Perhaps this is the place

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I'll Come for You
Story by TheForgotten
A girl is devastated when she loses her fiancé one day...
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The Wind Knew
Story by Thomas Ray
A girl stuck in the well-lit confines of her city and home, and a boy far away living with his silent people in the dark. Both want to learn of the unknown around them.
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Story by Thomas Ray
An author wasting his time?
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Journey of Perfection in Love.
Story by Imitation.o
It tells about the perfection in love. As no one is perfect in it.
a preview
just an idea of mine

Most Viewed Other Short Stories

Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: a Hamilton Fanfiction | Part I
Alex and John end up in a tree and Jefferson's an asshole. The 'Fluff Break' is by my friend (cross-referencing Hamilton and DEH (It's in Part III)).
Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: A Hamilton Fanfiction | Part II
Part two. Pretty much the same description as before. READ PART ONE FIRST!
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Last memories of my grandfather
Story by Sara Goertz
My grandfather died on November 3rd 2018, so this is sort of a memorial to him.
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no need to worry
Story by eternalcynic
no need to worry. The end is sure to come. It is inevitable. No one can escape it.
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #2
Story by WannabeArora
(if you have not read the 1 one I suggest doing so) My life taking a turn for the better? Sure. My life is really taking a turn for WEIRDER! What am I? Who am I? More importantly where did I leave my phone!?!