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(Showing 1 - 21 of 1980 Results)
no need to worry
Story by eternalcynic (37)
no need to worry. The end is sure to come. It is inevitable. No one can escape it.
1 min
Words: 212
Read Time: 1 min
On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle
Story by Aquarius (86)
From ‘Our World In Transition’
9 mins
Words: 1823
Read Time: 9 mins
An Open Letter to My Alcoholic Father
Story by chloedrake (28)
Just as the title describes
4 mins
Words: 950
Read Time: 4 mins
The Ocean
Story by Millieywqq (23)
An analogy on how depression is.
2 mins
Words: 403
Read Time: 2 mins
Just Another Superman
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
Yes, the Superman was for real.
11 mins
Words: 2367
Read Time: 11 mins
The Sound of Silence
Story by Auron (19)
It's the loudest noise of all.
<1 min
Words: 188
Read Time: <1 min
How to Write A 'Teaser'
Help to get people interested in your work...
2 mins
Words: 526
Read Time: 2 mins
Dear Younger Me
Story by Sad🥺 (18)
A letter to my younger self
<1 min
Words: 170
Read Time: <1 min
To the Silence of the Gods
Poem by ashwin (33)
An enquiry to the existence.
1 min
Words: 246
Read Time: 1 min
Genie of the Lamp
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
Nope, not a horror story. The old rugged lamp was the parting gift of his grandfather.
6 mins
Words: 1315
Read Time: 6 mins
real you
Story by scorp (17)
Breaking heart and shooting stars, isn’t it what it’s all about? Midnight kisses and and being your man’s misses...Isn’t that what you want?
<1 min
Words: 131
Read Time: <1 min
The Inquisition And Witch Hunts
Story by Aquarius (86)
Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged – Part Five
10 mins
Words: 2013
Read Time: 10 mins
Poem by MusicalOmission (22)
A poem that touches on the depression, anxiety, and roles that modern society puts upon us, and how people expect you to act like someone else.
1 min
Words: 211
Read Time: 1 min
Silent Sentiments
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
In a world increasingly alienated from sentiments, this story touches upon the feelings that we fail to sense around us.
4 mins
Words: 928
Read Time: 4 mins
The Lottery
Story by eternalcynic (37)
The story is about lack of hope and rampant presence of cynicm
1 min
Words: 212
Read Time: 1 min
You Were Wrong.
Musing by Sierrapreciado (23)
I’m no longer sorry.
3 mins
Words: 701
Read Time: 3 mins
If I Can Help Somebody
Poem by Aquarius (86)
From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
<1 min
Words: 171
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Avantika Bhosle (24)
It's how you see what you want to see.
<1 min
Words: 58
Read Time: <1 min
Thank You for NOT Sharing... 18+
A brief musing on an irritating phrase...
2 mins
Words: 452
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Khaled Saeed (67)
A poetic-prose saga on life, in one short page
1 min
Words: 258
Read Time: 1 min
Musing by Lost (22)
Today's society is broken in my opinion. So i worte this poem to try to express this. Im broken. You're broken. We are all broken. Society is broken.
<1 min
Words: 98
Read Time: <1 min