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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

Turn Around
Sometimes not saying makes all the difference. The heart knows it even when the words hasn’t been said.
4 mins
Words: 829
Read Time: 4 mins
His One Twenty Minutes of Afternoon Class
When you least expect, someone is going to walk through that door giving you a run down of your bygones and getting you hooked.
1 min
Words: 343
Read Time: 1 min
Dear Crush, One of These Days.
Even infatuation could push you to strive for better. Let’s just hope that heart chooses the right kind to crush over.
<1 min
Words: 188
Read Time: <1 min
Hold On, and You Will Be Fine
Sometimes when grief weighs us down, we do need to strike that cord which makes us breathe again.
1 min
Words: 207
Read Time: 1 min
Watching Him, Flips My Mind
Every time he walks in to teach something intelligible, I slip a little more.
1 min
Words: 334
Read Time: 1 min
A Day of a Motherless Daughter
She was all that I had until I didn’t.
1 min
Words: 335
Read Time: 1 min
My Phobia of Clinics
Start with fear. Start at where you are. Start with your hand shaking. Start.
1 min
Words: 367
Read Time: 1 min
Dear Tears; Let This Be Our Last Kiss
Grief has the funny timing of catching you when you are happy and begin to be whole again.
<1 min
Words: 167
Read Time: <1 min
That Shade of Scrub and Head Cap; My Forbidden Apple
Adding McDreamy and McSteamy together; equals ‘him’.
1 min
Words: 317
Read Time: 1 min
Eyes on Him
When you had kept your heart closed but it refuses to stay calm making you go all sorts of weird lame crazy.
<1 min
Words: 162
Read Time: <1 min
It Hits Me Again , That Cruel Pain
You have not known pain unless you have cried like there’s no moon and sun. Like it’s never gonna be morrow again.
1 min
Words: 293
Read Time: 1 min
With Temazepam, I Fall Into an Abyss
It’s raining and I need it to stop.
3 mins
Words: 773
Read Time: 3 mins