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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

How Are You?
Don't ask question we really don't want answers to
4 mins
Words: 821
Read Time: 4 mins
With Her Eye Moist She Asks ‘Better, How?’
Perhaps we all hope for a love which makes our heart less heavy.
4 mins
Words: 823
Read Time: 4 mins
This Is Why I Binged Watched ‘13 Reasons Why’
Let’s think hard. Think hard before hitting on ‘share’ , ‘like’ , ‘comment’ icon on social media.
4 mins
Words: 824
Read Time: 4 mins
Turn Around
Sometimes not saying makes all the difference. The heart knows it even when the words hasn’t been said.
4 mins
Words: 829
Read Time: 4 mins
‘Friends’ , ‘Best Friends’ and Me
Sorry ! I don’t understand the concept.
4 mins
Words: 875
Read Time: 4 mins
The Window Into My 3amS
The ride through the pain and grief over loss to death is chaotic and dreadful. People leave for a different unreachable world but death lives every day right infront of your eye through their absence
4 mins
Words: 931
Read Time: 4 mins
Love, How Sweet Art Thou
It's the second time. More scarier than first. What if he too doesn't love me.
4 mins
Words: 983
Read Time: 4 mins
Empty October Evening
The noise of my tears break the silence of another October evening without her.
5 mins
Words: 1110
Read Time: 5 mins