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why_now is from US United States • 20 y/o • Female


dear you (part one)
this is to one of my best friends. this might end up being a series too-
<1 min
Words: 199
Read Time: <1 min
The Seven Day Experiment
Story by OBLIVIAN (34)
One man dares to defy logic and stay awake for one week. Will he make it or break it?
1 min
Words: 247
Read Time: 1 min
My Last Letter to My Mom
Story by DD051005 (19)
My mom killed herself a week ago and this is how I feel...
<1 min
Words: 106
Read Time: <1 min
Midnight Masquerade
Story by AaronTheRocker (21)
19th century England, a young peasant and a young princess desire for each other. Though families aren't to mingle as of social classes that are established. Later the peasant receives an invitation.
39 mins
Words: 7926
Read Time: 39 mins
He Did It | Part 2
Story by polaroid (18)
This is the second to last part in this series! Hope you enjoy | Mark seems to be getting even stranger day by day...but is he really that bad?
4 mins
Words: 950
Read Time: 4 mins
He Did It | Part 1
Story by polaroid (18)
(My true story) A teen girl befriends the new boy in class thinking they'll be great friends...instead he leaves her wishing they'd never met.
6 mins
Words: 1327
Read Time: 6 mins
I Want to Be Myself
Poem by Imitation.o (23)
Story of a girl who wants to be kind.
1 min
Words: 231
Read Time: 1 min
Tell Me Not to Cut
Poem by BreeClaire2001 (23)
Go ahead, baby. Tell me not to cut.
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Is This Real?
Story by Soppe (21)
You were my you are gone :(
<1 min
Words: 169
Read Time: <1 min
Wikipedia Article
Story by TheForgotten (22)
A girl searches her name online, what she finds surprises her...
<1 min
Words: 185
Read Time: <1 min
My Fault
Story by NobodyImportant (24)
Guilt is a funny thing. Blame and accusation hurt the most when one places it on themselves, whether it is deserved or not.
6 mins
Words: 1329
Read Time: 6 mins
The Hill
Story by Andraaknas (28)
My constantly recurring nightmare told in my own words.
3 mins
Words: 659
Read Time: 3 mins
Am I Still in Love With You
Story by HudaFatima (32)
Does the love still lingers on after the heart has fallen out of love
3 mins
Words: 671
Read Time: 3 mins
Falling Slowly
Poem by Poetic_Seppuku (25)
A short poem about someone's slow fall into depression and death seen through an endless well.
<1 min
Words: 99
Read Time: <1 min
Wake up Mommy 18+
Story by DellParker098 (22)
Short drabble on abuse and suicide. Please be aware this story contains dark themes and drug abuse. TRIGGER WARNING**
1 min
Words: 355
Read Time: 1 min