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(Showing 1 - 21 of 401 Results)
Clever Hans
Story by Galaxian (30)
The mother of Hans said: ’Whither away, Hans?’ Hans answered: ’To Gretel.’ ’Behave well, H... (continued)
5 mins
Words: 1025
Read Time: 5 mins
Clever Gretel
Story by Galaxian (30)
There was once a cook named Gretel, who wore shoes with red heels, and when she walked out with them... (continued)
4 mins
Words: 961
Read Time: 4 mins
Detective Party
Story by BritneyGoldy (24)
Lets just say..Its a detective party.
1 min
Words: 208
Read Time: 1 min
Story by jwbennett (43)
The story of a young gay man at a critical moment in his life.
11 mins
Words: 2342
Read Time: 11 mins
The Gold Lighter 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
A crime drama based on the 'tradition' of honour killings. Two men drive out of the city and out onto an isolated country road with someone in the trunk of their car.
10 mins
Words: 2172
Read Time: 10 mins
Lucifer Falls
Story by FallenHOC (36)
Ever wonder why Lucifer betrayed God? What would make him betray everything he knows? We all know the story but what happened next!
6 mins
Words: 1370
Read Time: 6 mins
Hell Is Better Than This
Story by imightbesuspect (16)
This is it. This is what`s happening then. *WARNING* Graphic content
<1 min
Words: 139
Read Time: <1 min
Attack of the Killer Bees, by Dr. Philbilly
Story by DrPhilbilly (56)
Dr. Philbilly is attacked by a swarm of killer Bees and it goes from bad to worse is a hurry.
2 mins
Words: 496
Read Time: 2 mins
Do You Feel The Breath?
Story by WizardTheJi (23)
A brief story for a long scare
<1 min
Words: 197
Read Time: <1 min
Story by Kat (25)
Okey, this is the first really sad story I've really ever written. Trying out new genres.
1 min
Words: 241
Read Time: 1 min
Forgive Me, My Love
Story by sadstory (24)
A girl asking for forgiveness from her abusive boyfriend that she loves, from the world and everything around her.
1 min
Words: 233
Read Time: 1 min
Nobody sets out in life to become a victim of crime...
29 mins
Words: 5854
Read Time: 29 mins
Please Don'T Die
Story by Pandagirlswag34 (28)
Ummmmm this is sad plz read .... its also true
1 min
Words: 204
Read Time: 1 min
Story by futurerAuthor101 (24)
Living in tha hood
1 min
Words: 219
Read Time: 1 min
Stabbed In The Back 18+
Story by John Smith (36)
Crazy ex girlfriend rampage
1 min
Words: 397
Read Time: 1 min
What happened to me..? A micro-fiction tale.
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Dragons invading the castle Part 1
Story by princehex (35)
This story is divided into parts. 1 of 10 Also No I did not make this up. All my story's are from my dreams.
<1 min
Words: 101
Read Time: <1 min
Amanda's Diary 1
Story by Raven Knight (26)
The diary of a 20 year old.
<1 min
Words: 130
Read Time: <1 min
Americas Ghosts Part 1
Story by Danbn (56)
A man must help his dead friend complete his work of returning civil war silver.
<1 min
Words: 4
Read Time: <1 min
The Silent Game
Story by mindful_ideas (24)
The unknown history of a young child.
2 mins
Words: 491
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by John Sanders
Murder in the kitchen....
10 mins
Words: 2139
Read Time: 10 mins