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(Showing 1 - 21 of 1633 Results)
Go Your Own Way
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more’ – Shakey’s Henry V
5 mins
Words: 1183
Read Time: 5 mins
My Almost Lover 18+
A man at a bar and a girl with a pen.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
Story by J.B (60)
When the protagonist's father dies unexpectedly, her paternal grandmother takes her in. And they begin to live a life of fairy tales and story-telling that will make them both happy.
10 mins
Words: 2125
Read Time: 10 mins
Rhapsody in Neon or Neon Doom 18+
It’s close of business
1 min
Words: 333
Read Time: 1 min
The Story of Carillion Craine or the Death Upon the Ash Path 18+
Crime, death and drugs. And a young girl who might not have the whole truth.
4 mins
Words: 979
Read Time: 4 mins
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A dream that I saw, brought into words. Whatever this dream wanted me to realize, it did its job quite well.
1 min
Words: 211
Read Time: 1 min
Back to blonde
Poem by Theo (17)
Couldn’t sleep so I wrote this instead of doing homework
<1 min
Words: 158
Read Time: <1 min
Platero and I: Father
Story by HSuys (56)
Ode to Juan Ramon Jiménez
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
L'Etranger: Chapter Fourteen 18+
The stolen kiss
6 mins
Words: 1340
Read Time: 6 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Thirteen 18+
Bright star, she rises with the night.
6 mins
Words: 1318
Read Time: 6 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Twelve 18+
Day turns to night
5 mins
Words: 1046
Read Time: 5 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Eleven 18+
The Duel, or something like that.
6 mins
Words: 1361
Read Time: 6 mins
Room 15
Story by Lev821 (50)
A metal detector finds the key to a room in an abandoned hotel. Should it be investigated?
7 mins
Words: 1543
Read Time: 7 mins
Bon Appetite
Story by J.B (60)
A wealthy food critic decides to go out for a meal. He's known for his scything columns, and restaurant owners fear his displeasure can bankrupt their restaurants. They take action...
9 mins
Words: 1940
Read Time: 9 mins
L'Etranger: Chapter Ten 18+
Let's duel
5 mins
Words: 1148
Read Time: 5 mins
Haunted Nights (Lonely Nights "Parody")
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Not a stereotypical parody, but re-visioned for this spooky month.
1 min
Words: 234
Read Time: 1 min
Believing in Love 18+
Good Luck :D hope you don't hate me after this
3 mins
Words: 762
Read Time: 3 mins
Believing in Love
Believing in Love: A Christian girl discovers a forbidden love, testing her faith and identity." Chapter 1: Introduction
<1 min
Words: 49
Read Time: <1 min
Lesley's Enemy
Story by IanG (60)
Late at night, a country road holds a dark secret that goes back many years.
8 mins
Words: 1779
Read Time: 8 mins
Oscar Wilde (The Exile) the play. Part 1 18+
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
A play depicting the exile of Oscar Wilde, during the year of 1897-1900.
45 mins
Words: 9112
Read Time: 45 mins
Billy Bapp
Story by RSilver (68)
a disabled child get a new lease on life
68 mins
Words: 13773
Read Time: 68 mins