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(Showing 1 - 21 of 303 Results)
Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: A Hamilton Fanfiction | Part III
Story by EverythingIsFine (20)
Same stuff as the last two parts. The 'Fluff Break' is in this part, so enjoy it! <3
7 mins
Words: 1578
Read Time: 7 mins
My Father
Story by Caren Allister (44)
Linda is sitting in her room, hearing her parents fight. Linda's father Vernon had expected her mother to have dinner ready for him. This story criticises traditional stereotypical gender roles.
2 mins
Words: 596
Read Time: 2 mins
Turning Back the Clocks
Story by J.B (60)
It happened more than 50 years ago in Gori, Georgia. They were barely 12 years old. What he did then, came back to haunt him now.
10 mins
Words: 2007
Read Time: 10 mins
Story by polaroid (18)
A nineteen-year-old boy in the 1950's confesses his feelings for his best friend only to be drafted into the Cold War.
6 mins
Words: 1304
Read Time: 6 mins
The Boat
Story by Tetew (26)
Gods Love, How People lost path in their career in their love and everything
1 min
Words: 233
Read Time: 1 min
Story by ashwin (33)
A young boy's vengeance versus nature's fastest beast.
4 mins
Words: 847
Read Time: 4 mins
Insane Survival Stories: the Robertson Family
Story by Kat Dickens (19)
Unbelievable survival stories that when you hear them, you can't help wonder how these people are still alive.
1 min
Words: 247
Read Time: 1 min
Basic Training 1967
Story by Benartflick (75)
This is what it was like for me, a draftee, and a few I met that died in Vietnam shortly later.
17 mins
Words: 3430
Read Time: 17 mins
Who was Princess Diana?
Musing by Kat Dickens (19)
What impact did princess Diana have in her short life?
3 mins
Words: 785
Read Time: 3 mins
Ceasebury: Chapter One
July 1st, The Colony of Virginia, 1781
6 mins
Words: 1255
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by hercules (35)
This story is based on life in Atlantean times, what became of its inhabitants and finally, its destruction.
6 mins
Words: 1398
Read Time: 6 mins
Thanksgiving Magic
Story by Sad🥺 (18)
Thanksgiving Magic BY ROWENA BASTIN BENNETT This is not by me
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
I'm a Survivor!
Story by Voltron-lover26 (20)
<1 min
Words: 196
Read Time: <1 min
quarantine depression
Story by scorp (17)
I've been staring at the wall for hours with no end Can time bend? What is this crazy dimension Where I can't even look at my own reflection?
1 min
Words: 226
Read Time: 1 min
Remembering Hiroshima
Story by coffeesoakedshoes (18)
A survivor recollects the day her world turned upside down, and the events that followed.
6 mins
Words: 1355
Read Time: 6 mins
The Taken
Story by Asoxus (29)
Once an ordinary man, now he has a profitable business in returning missing people to the families they were stolen from.
4 mins
Words: 809
Read Time: 4 mins
Three Very Short Russian-German Stories
Story by shrouste (67)
Three Very Short Russian-German Stories
2 mins
Words: 494
Read Time: 2 mins
Strange Encounter
Story by Hobo (48)
I found out that she had flown to Israel while under the influence of cocaine. She confided this to me later, after she felt she could trust me.
9 mins
Words: 1902
Read Time: 9 mins
The Monk of St Mary's
Story by TheRelaxedWriter (37)
A darker tale of Robin Hood. Taking place outside of the popular setting, it follows a devious monks journey through the greenwood, where a disciplined group of bandits await.
42 mins
Words: 8559
Read Time: 42 mins
Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: A Hamilton Fanfiction | Part II
Story by EverythingIsFine (20)
Part two. Pretty much the same description as before. READ PART ONE FIRST!
9 mins
Words: 1956
Read Time: 9 mins
On Manisty Street
Story by
Post-war poverty in London's East End.
7 mins
Words: 1586
Read Time: 7 mins