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(Showing 1 - 21 of 1524 Results)
The Staircase Only We Have Ever Seen
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Sometimes the only people that have seen the way out are the ones who needed it.
1 min
Words: 263
Read Time: 1 min
A War Never Won 18+
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Rolling to his back he looked to the sky in bitter askance, As to why he had never been given the chance to live.
1 min
Words: 204
Read Time: 1 min
Sins Of The Inquisition 18+
Story by Lorient Montaner (45)
In the year of 1500, a man by the name of Santiago Molina is imprisoned for heresy, during the Spanish Inquisition.
30 mins
Words: 6010
Read Time: 30 mins
Coming Out the Other Side
Story by Kiraa (23)
grievance update: healing from dead mom
2 mins
Words: 492
Read Time: 2 mins
And Then I Woke Up
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A life found at the cost of a life lost.
9 mins
Words: 1850
Read Time: 9 mins
The Story of Carillion Craine or the Death Upon the Ash Path 18+
Crime, death and drugs. And a young girl who might not have the whole truth.
4 mins
Words: 979
Read Time: 4 mins
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A dream that I saw, brought into words. Whatever this dream wanted me to realize, it did its job quite well.
1 min
Words: 211
Read Time: 1 min
Just Friends
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
if were just friends then why do i feel like this?
<1 min
Words: 162
Read Time: <1 min
Maybe Tomorrow
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
maybe tomorrow things might be better
<1 min
Words: 171
Read Time: <1 min
Oscar Wilde (The Exile) the play Part 2 18+
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
A play depicting the exile of Oscar Wilde, during the year 1897-1900.
44 mins
Words: 8894
Read Time: 44 mins
Oscar Wilde (The Exile) the play. Part 1 18+
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
A play depicting the exile of Oscar Wilde, during the year of 1897-1900.
45 mins
Words: 9112
Read Time: 45 mins
The Perfume
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A journey that was destined to end abruptly.
7 mins
Words: 1557
Read Time: 7 mins
The Sun Sets
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?"  
1 min
Words: 301
Read Time: 1 min
Was It Worth It?
Musing by Poet (19)
I really wonder sometimes.
<1 min
Words: 148
Read Time: <1 min
To My Dead Mom
Poem by Kiraa (23)
what even are emotions
1 min
Words: 241
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Sameen Abrar (21)
A cursed belief that rages in the heart
1 min
Words: 380
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by Willie (16)
This was written by a civil war soldier.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
Is Death, a Fictional Dream?
Musing by HudaFatima (32)
You really don’t understand life unless you have to live yours without your ‘parents’
3 mins
Words: 601
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
She's searching for someone. Doors surround her on all sides... Two for each wall.
5 mins
Words: 1080
Read Time: 5 mins
The Song for Lost Souls
We were both lost souls.
3 mins
Words: 739
Read Time: 3 mins
What the Fuck You Did to Me 18+
Trigger Warning: SA R@pe Verbal and emotional abuse
<1 min
Words: 80
Read Time: <1 min