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(Showing 274 - 294 of 11687 Results)
The Skadegamooch 18+
Story by Lorient Montaner (45)
A British soldier in the year of 1814 discovers the vampiric witch called the Skadegamooch.
25 mins
Words: 5047
Read Time: 25 mins
The Curse Of The Sakura 18+
Story by Lorient Montaner (45)
Eugene Carlson, an American businessman visits an old friend in Kyoto, to discover the haunting truth of his family secret.
25 mins
Words: 5178
Read Time: 25 mins
Then…the Sands of Time Ran Out for the French Foreign Legion…
Story by JPYoung (67)
When one world ends, another begins…
6 mins
Words: 1239
Read Time: 6 mins
The Sound of Skyrim (The Sound of Silence Parody)
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Hello, Skyrim, my old friend. I've come to play with you again...
1 min
Words: 216
Read Time: 1 min
Message To All Friends And Supporters Of The Aquarian Writings
Story by Aquarius (86)
The End Of The Aquarian Writings
1 min
Words: 223
Read Time: 1 min
Us Two
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Just a lil love poem. "Curls slip down to frame your face, And frost glitters like the fire in your eyes..."
<1 min
Words: 132
Read Time: <1 min
Miracles And Wonders (130)
Story by Aquarius (86)
The Pharma Industry And The Old Religions
15 mins
Words: 3152
Read Time: 15 mins
The Despotic Jingles
Story by JPYoung (67)
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today - Abraham Lincoln
12 mins
Words: 2445
Read Time: 12 mins
Sundown Part 1
Story by Anthony E (55)
Beginning of a short story.
1 min
Words: 325
Read Time: 1 min
Story by hercules (35)
A boy called Jamie has a dream about going into space.
1 min
Words: 293
Read Time: 1 min
Miracles And Wonders (129)
Story by Aquarius (86)
Miracles Really Happen
74 mins
Words: 14923
Read Time: 74 mins
Farewell to Jeremiah
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A sneak peek of a current project I'm working on
1 min
Words: 263
Read Time: 1 min
Way to Go, Mississippi! 18+
Musing by Thomas Ray (21)
Mississippi has banned gender reassignment surgeries for minors, and Matt Walsh gave an excellent speech as the governor signed the ban.
5 mins
Words: 1064
Read Time: 5 mins
Platero and I: Ode in the Garden
Story by HSuys (56)
Ode to Juan Ramon Jimenez
<1 min
Words: 100
Read Time: <1 min
Lucille 18+
Story by Lorient Montaner (45)
Mr Westbrook a soldier pays a visit along his travel to an old friend of his father, Lord Broderick. Little would he know of the horrible secret of the manor.
36 mins
Words: 7295
Read Time: 36 mins
The Down and Outers
Story by JPYoung (67)
The wasted nights of the round-and-round table…
11 mins
Words: 2294
Read Time: 11 mins
Let's Misbehave: Chapter 3 18+
A new diary entry
10 mins
Words: 2126
Read Time: 10 mins
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard
<1 min
Words: 138
Read Time: <1 min
Year 8
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
when times were more simple...
<1 min
Words: 199
Read Time: <1 min
Simple Things
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
if only things were that simple
<1 min
Words: 167
Read Time: <1 min
Meet Again
Poem by eloise2006 (18)
i wish we could meet again..
<1 min
Words: 161
Read Time: <1 min