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enigmaticflamingo's Profile

Mother Goose

enigmaticflamingo is from US United States • 21 y/o • Female

hEy NoW, yOu'Re An AlL sTar
Little Laura
The thunder was growling loud, and the rain was flowing down the street drains....
6 mins
Words: 1361
Read Time: 6 mins
Behind You
A spooky stalker story for y'all.
2 mins
Words: 430
Read Time: 2 mins
Basement Boy
This is a sPoOkY story of mine about a forbidden basement...
1 min
Words: 267
Read Time: 1 min
Charles Au Basilic 3
This is the third and last of the "Charles au Basilic" serie. Enjoy!
5 mins
Words: 1067
Read Time: 5 mins
Charles au Basilic 2
This is the second part, a third and last one soon!
5 mins
Words: 1128
Read Time: 5 mins
Cemetery Caroline
I hope you will enjoy this sPoOkY story
2 mins
Words: 472
Read Time: 2 mins
Charles au Basilic
This is a story I originally wrote in french and translated, there are more parts coming soon!
5 mins
Words: 1150
Read Time: 5 mins
Where Am I?
This is a poem about school shootings in the US... A sad but true fact, remembering all who died.
<1 min
Words: 58
Read Time: <1 min
Gas Station Girl
This is a short gore story, I hope you'll enjoy!
2 mins
Words: 591
Read Time: 2 mins
Saturday Pancakes
This is a creepy kidnapping mystery story!
2 mins
Words: 546
Read Time: 2 mins
Lock Your Doors
This is a short creepy story with a nice cliffhanger in the end! I hope you'll enjoy!
3 mins
Words: 671
Read Time: 3 mins
Tree Money
A little poem I did for my English class that talks about deforestation I decided to upload.
<1 min
Words: 47
Read Time: <1 min