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(Showing 1 - 21 of 3343 Results)
(Not) Worth It
Poem by Despicable_Moi (19)
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
What Happened to Me? (Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)
Story by scorp (17)
(a side-story about Amelia Earhart, as part of the Percy Jackson universe)
9 mins
Words: 1999
Read Time: 9 mins
Story by Durandal (20)
This is a story about a young man named Tom. Tom has a gift, every time he hugs some he heals there a sickness or disease, even cancer, but every time he does, he loses one year of his life.
4 mins
Words: 878
Read Time: 4 mins
Unbreakable Love
Story by Unmasked_Monster (28)
Two girls, Carter and Taylor fall in love and are unrepeatable. A terrible accident takes place, leaving only one survivor.
2 mins
Words: 577
Read Time: 2 mins
Musing by
Stand up and walk, move forward
<1 min
Words: 116
Read Time: <1 min
Oh Darling
Poem by Madison_Writes (22)
Suicide is never the answer...
<1 min
Words: 85
Read Time: <1 min
Beyond Pink and Blue
Musing by _vidhi_3015 (19)
Hey everyone!! This being my first write up ever on this platform totally shifts my attention towards one of the most underrated issues of our society. Hope you enjoy every bit of it!!
1 min
Words: 221
Read Time: 1 min
Dear Younger Me
Story by Sad🥺 (18)
A letter to my younger self
<1 min
Words: 170
Read Time: <1 min
Truth of Dreaming
Story by Dari Poulson (21)
Did you ever have that one friend who never was really there?
<1 min
Words: 92
Read Time: <1 min
A Poem of Heartaching Thoughts
Poem by Rich Powell (35)
A brief poem that I wrote about my current aching heart in a relationship that means so much to me.
<1 min
Words: 156
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Flower (19)
Make today a great day.
<1 min
Words: 164
Read Time: <1 min
Paint Me A Picture
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Why a picture is worth a thousand words.
5 mins
Words: 1000
Read Time: 5 mins
Good Days and Bad Days
Cherish the good days.
<1 min
Words: 168
Read Time: <1 min
See Yourself Through My Eyes
Story by Raven Knight (26)
Sometimes all you need is for that one person to tell you how beautiful and amazing you are to them, to actually see your self the way they see you. Like the beautiful soul you are.
<1 min
Words: 142
Read Time: <1 min
Beyond the Darkness
Story by RainyMelody (20)
This girl was bullied during all of her high school years. After her first taste of freedom, she can finally start a new life as an adult.
1 min
Words: 371
Read Time: 1 min
The Good Samaritan
Story by writingartist420 (54)
A fast paced story about a mysterious bystander that saves woman from a car crash, and gives her a new lease on life.
6 mins
Words: 1380
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by writingartist420 (54)
It is story of how one person's destiny is changed by a medical miracle.
10 mins
Words: 2020
Read Time: 10 mins
The Ripples of Kindness
Story by scorp (17)
"A simple act of kindness creates an endless ripple, that comes back to you."
3 mins
Words: 703
Read Time: 3 mins
Story by Michael Crawley (69)
A businesswoman encounters a man who is homeless, and tragically she makes a mistake she'll regret for the rest of her life.
23 mins
Words: 4784
Read Time: 23 mins
With Me
Story by Optimism101 (19)
Heyo, I wrote this cus I was bored at school, but I kinda like it.
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
Drip Drop
Poem by SilverOaks (21)
It's the rain's song.
<1 min
Words: 42
Read Time: <1 min