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(Showing 1 - 21 of 1006 Results)
Story by Scriptorius (87)
Another story in the 'Pondhopper' series.
17 mins
Words: 3553
Read Time: 17 mins
The Chili Fart
Story by Galaxian (30)
'The Chili Fart' is a funny short story about the misfortunes of a guy who had a bad stomach after eating some chili. Reading is a guaranteed laugh.
4 mins
Words: 880
Read Time: 4 mins
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #1
Story by WannabeArora (33)
My life is pretty simple. I go to Good will middle. I'm in eighth grade. I have a best friend, and had a boyfriend. So yeah my life is perfect, right? WRONG!!!!! My name is Nicole Blake I'm 14 years old and my life is a MESS!!!
9 mins
Words: 1947
Read Time: 9 mins
Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: a Hamilton Fanfiction | Part I
Story by EverythingIsFine (20)
Alex and John end up in a tree and Jefferson's an asshole. The 'Fluff Break' is by my friend (cross-referencing Hamilton and DEH (It's in Part III)).
14 mins
Words: 2994
Read Time: 14 mins
Super Heroes NOW!
Story by robertmoons (68)
Three costumed heroes who have no super powers will meet their biggest fan – an enthusiastic nine-year-old boy.
17 mins
Words: 3582
Read Time: 17 mins
The Lights
Story by Sandra (23)
What we see is not always the reality.
1 min
Words: 307
Read Time: 1 min
November 21st at 6:58am
Story by 🌸Fate (28)
He opened his eyes again looking dull as ever. Time just keep repeating.
8 mins
Words: 1773
Read Time: 8 mins
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #2
Story by WannabeArora (33)
(if you have not read the 1 one I suggest doing so) My life taking a turn for the better? Sure. My life is really taking a turn for WEIRDER! What am I? Who am I? More importantly where did I leave my phone!?!
9 mins
Words: 1844
Read Time: 9 mins
The Thoughtful Husband
Story by Galaxian (30)
It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintai... (continued)
3 mins
Words: 635
Read Time: 3 mins
This Is What Happens When I Get Tired...
Story by Bird (27)
Due to popular demand (one comment) I have made another story.
3 mins
Words: 790
Read Time: 3 mins
My Imaginary Friend
Story by
Marry had an unusual imaginary friend, but is he really imaginary?
2 mins
Words: 567
Read Time: 2 mins
This Is What Happens When I Get Bored...
Story by Bird (27)
The title says it all. (this story makes no sense)
2 mins
Words: 451
Read Time: 2 mins
Detective Party
Story by BritneyGoldy (24)
Lets just say..Its a detective party.
1 min
Words: 208
Read Time: 1 min
Lex Talionis – The Butcher of Proxima Prime 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
(Story #1 in the series) Sometimes, to destroy evil it takes something equally dark – a selective malevolence that will do what others will not, or cannot do. Warning: Graphic Violence
7 mins
Words: 1525
Read Time: 7 mins
Lex Talionis – Blood in the Alley 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
(Story #2 in the series) "For most of my existence I have lived as a warrior. Killing was my calling, and after all these millennia, I've become very efficient at it."
13 mins
Words: 2744
Read Time: 13 mins
dont turn on the light
Story by haleyhayseed (24)
somethings there but nobody knows what it is
2 mins
Words: 541
Read Time: 2 mins
Lex Talionis 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
Sometimes, to destroy evil it takes something equally dark – a selective malevolence that will do what others will not, or cannot do. Warning: Graphic Violence
7 mins
Words: 1522
Read Time: 7 mins
The Problem With Souls
Story by JustNicoleValiukas (26)
(they can't be trusted...)
1 min
Words: 231
Read Time: 1 min
Infinite Lives Online - Sh**ing Pixels 18+
Story by Elven Steele (42)
This short encounter is a small introduction to a much larger GameLit/LitRPG world of my own creation: Infinite Lives Online.
25 mins
Words: 5195
Read Time: 25 mins
The Green Apple
Story by BumbleBee (28)
A young boy befriends a surly old man and discovers his interesting past. updated now with part two. :) This is a Four part story, Part one and two are complete.
11 mins
Words: 2276
Read Time: 11 mins
Zombie Bedlam 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
Sergeant Blake's squad has been wiped out in a zombie ambush. Alone and outnumber, he must make his way back to the safety of his bunker.
5 mins
Words: 1133
Read Time: 5 mins