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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

Dear Crush, You Have Distrupt My Cue
It’s hard to not write about ‘him’.
2 mins
Words: 516
Read Time: 2 mins
That Month of the Year
I wasn’t alone. I had me. So I cried to my heart’s content.
2 mins
Words: 538
Read Time: 2 mins
The Guilt That Drowns Me Each Night
Miracles do happen in medicine but it just doesn't happen when we most need it.
2 mins
Words: 540
Read Time: 2 mins
Aftermath of Mid 20 Crisis
'Loss' , at times, can turn out to be a 'gain'
2 mins
Words: 588
Read Time: 2 mins
Is Death, a Fictional Dream?
You really don’t understand life unless you have to live yours without your ‘parents’
3 mins
Words: 601
Read Time: 3 mins
The four men
What would our world be without men to have our back
3 mins
Words: 613
Read Time: 3 mins
Will You Stay Even When I Drive You Mad?
Losing people so early in life changes something inside of us.
3 mins
Words: 628
Read Time: 3 mins
The best part about writing is that - You can, without fear, paint anyone you fancy with your big and small words.
3 mins
Words: 651
Read Time: 3 mins
Am I Still in Love With You
Does the love still lingers on after the heart has fallen out of love
3 mins
Words: 671
Read Time: 3 mins
That Brief Second of His View Stole My Sleep
No amount of my words and my description of him will do justice, he is so picturesque. I get entangled so swiftly.
3 mins
Words: 695
Read Time: 3 mins
I Saved Myself So It’s a Reboot. Again!
If you can give out one thing, teach others to be strong even in the face of their desire to end their own life.
3 mins
Words: 706
Read Time: 3 mins
With Temazepam, I Fall Into an Abyss
It’s raining and I need it to stop.
3 mins
Words: 773
Read Time: 3 mins