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makayleepower's Profile


makayleepower is from CA Canada • 22 y/o • Female

People say I have a heart of gold; but I'm pretty sure gold doesn't break into a thousand pieces like glass.
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
Why is it so hard to stop caring?
<1 min
Words: 101
Read Time: <1 min
Dedication to a Broken Heart
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
I know that you may never read this... But if will help you understand, then I hope that you do.
2 mins
Words: 444
Read Time: 2 mins
A Broken Heart
Story by TheForgotten (22)
Break ups aren't the only things that cause a heart to ache...
<1 min
Words: 122
Read Time: <1 min
Someone I Used to Know
Musing by TheForgotten (22)
I know it's stupid, but I miss you..
1 min
Words: 334
Read Time: 1 min
My Fault
Story by NobodyImportant (24)
Guilt is a funny thing. Blame and accusation hurt the most when one places it on themselves, whether it is deserved or not.
6 mins
Words: 1329
Read Time: 6 mins
Glitter and Gold [Part One]
Story by mayanward (24)
A girl runs away from her abusive relationship and ends up finding someone much better
1 min
Words: 232
Read Time: 1 min
I'm Waiting
Poem by Swapna (29)
This poem is about singles who wait on the Lord for their better halves. Rather than picking one from the available list, waiting for the branded one that God can provide is the best thing to do.
<1 min
Words: 117
Read Time: <1 min
Another of my 100-word stories.
<1 min
Words: 102
Read Time: <1 min
I Want To Be Like You
Story by Auron (19)
A girl's mother gets cancer and has no hair. The girl shaves her hair to be like her.
3 mins
Words: 674
Read Time: 3 mins
The Sound of Silence
Story by Auron (19)
It's the loudest noise of all.
<1 min
Words: 188
Read Time: <1 min
You and I
Poem by Pipppy12 (25)
A short poem that describes forbidden love entirely.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
Love Is a Rose
Poem by Jordan Dean (40)
A short poem about love and recovering from the pain.
<1 min
Words: 58
Read Time: <1 min
I'm Sorry
Story by Kat (25)
A lost and grieving young lover's mind.
2 mins
Words: 449
Read Time: 2 mins
Story by Kat (25)
A girl describes how she feels about her life to herself.
<1 min
Words: 182
Read Time: <1 min
The Way He Says It
Poem by Kat (25)
A poem.... the title kind of explains it all.
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
Someday or Sometime
Poem by Kat (25)
A boy remembers what he once said to a girl.
<1 min
Words: 68
Read Time: <1 min
You Made These Choices - I Suffered for Them
Story by Kat (25)
The title says it all.
<1 min
Words: 60
Read Time: <1 min
If I Had Known
Poem by Erin Milligan (29)
If I had known then, maybe I wouldn't be broken now.
<1 min
Words: 81
Read Time: <1 min
Let Me Go
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A short poem...
<1 min
Words: 34
Read Time: <1 min
A Twisted Picture
Poem by JustSomeGirl (22)
What I'm doing right now.
<1 min
Words: 134
Read Time: <1 min
An Open Letter to My Alcoholic Father
Story by chloedrake (28)
Just as the title describes
4 mins
Words: 950
Read Time: 4 mins
Not Enough
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
Dying to help you live..
<1 min
Words: 67
Read Time: <1 min
The Wish
Poem by Johaness (33)
This poem has a sad nostalgic theme. I wrote it way back 2010.
<1 min
Words: 120
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
A girl no one knew..
<1 min
Words: 99
Read Time: <1 min
Leave Me Please
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
I'm not strong enough to leave you..
<1 min
Words: 84
Read Time: <1 min
But You'll Love Him Anyway
Poem by Falling_Starr (23)
For anyone who has been though this. Or is still in this phase because to tell the truth I still am.
<1 min
Words: 108
Read Time: <1 min
Wish for the Sky
Story by Kat (25)
A new poem I tried out about fighting depression.
<1 min
Words: 152
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
You've turned me into something I do not recognize...
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Can't You Stay?
Story by Kat (25)
She pleads for him to stay but he pleads to be free.
1 min
Words: 264
Read Time: 1 min
The Devil in Disguise 18+
Story by Gracey1 (26)
Behind that pretty sparkle in her crystal eyes, is the Devil himself and it takes just one time for him to completely take over your entire life.
2 mins
Words: 454
Read Time: 2 mins
Wings 18+
Poem by kkhause (24)
A suicide note of hopelessness and pain...
<1 min
Words: 133
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Mommy
Story by Roxsey123 (26)
1 min
Words: 348
Read Time: 1 min
Story by Kat (25)
Okey, this is the first really sad story I've really ever written. Trying out new genres.
1 min
Words: 241
Read Time: 1 min
If I Had Known
Poem by TheForgotten (22)
I should've left you..
<1 min
Words: 124
Read Time: <1 min
Please Forgive Me Poem
Poem by Rich Powell (35)
A short, rhyming romantic poem about a past relationship in which I reeled for forgiveness because of past insecurity.
<1 min
Words: 95
Read Time: <1 min
Can I have a bl*w job? 18+
Story by Galaxian (30)
A nightmare scenario ensues when this guy asks his girlfriend for something cheeky outside of her family home.
1 min
Words: 208
Read Time: 1 min