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(Showing 1 - 21 of 367 Results)
Lockdown 1
Story by Justice_Dolly (26)
This is about how a serious lock down got scary real quick.
1 min
Words: 344
Read Time: 1 min
Lock Your Doors
Story by Mother Goose (21)
This is a short creepy story with a nice cliffhanger in the end! I hope you'll enjoy!
3 mins
Words: 671
Read Time: 3 mins
a preview
just an idea of mine
2 mins
Words: 403
Read Time: 2 mins
She's Back... Pt1
Story by Krypton (18)
An unsolved case about a girl who is suspected of being murdered after going missing, and 7 years later she appears and calls her murderer.
2 mins
Words: 577
Read Time: 2 mins
Missing Pt1
Story by Krypton (18)
Nick's wife suddenly goes missing one night, and he is blamed for the murder, but was she really murdered?
2 mins
Words: 587
Read Time: 2 mins
The Kiss
Story by SP Singh (61)
Four women in their mid-forties gather in a coffee house to unravel the mystery of a childhood kiss.
6 mins
Words: 1202
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by Lussac (62)
A wife's plans to rid herself of her husband go badly awry. This can be read alone or as a sequel to 'MURDEROUS PLANS'
6 mins
Words: 1383
Read Time: 6 mins
Story by scorp (17)
Gun in hand, a dissociative sociopath like her could be up to anything.
2 mins
Words: 491
Read Time: 2 mins
Just Ten
Story by Merlin Sheeba Mary R (33)
What does the number ten signify? Perplexed, the hero experiences series of events related to the number ten. yet, he least expected the real face of ten at last.
4 mins
Words: 999
Read Time: 4 mins
Silhouette Man
Story by AaronTheRocker (21)
A little girl meets a silhouette of a man who wants her to see him...the real him.
8 mins
Words: 1637
Read Time: 8 mins
Don't Call Me Sweetheart 18+
WARNING: Contains VERY explicit language.
1 min
Words: 324
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by scorp (17)
My name, my birth right, what I am.
<1 min
Words: 101
Read Time: <1 min
She's Back... Pt2
Story by Krypton (18)
An unsolved case about a girl who is suspected of being murdered after going missing, and 7 years later she appears and calls her murderer.
4 mins
Words: 878
Read Time: 4 mins
Ghost Girl (Part 1)
Story by Aurora Harrison (27)
This is a short story about a girl named Alexa who moves into a haunted house. This is only the first part, and there will be more stories to follow!
2 mins
Words: 469
Read Time: 2 mins
Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
Story by Lightning Wolf (18)
Are you having a bad day? If you answered yes, this story is just for you. (I actually found this one online so...)
1 min
Words: 394
Read Time: 1 min
Talking to the Dead
Story by Aaron Sebastians (21)
My uncle is weird. He claims he can talk to the dead by...
4 mins
Words: 971
Read Time: 4 mins
and it said (continuation of prologue)
chapter one is coming soon.
2 mins
Words: 412
Read Time: 2 mins
The Fear Is Real
Story by Jazz (20)
scary poems that will give you nightmares
17 mins
Words: 3592
Read Time: 17 mins
Now We're Together Mommy
Story by resie (34)
A mother hate for her daughter and a daughter's love for her mother. Please rate.
3 mins
Words: 757
Read Time: 3 mins
The Deed Is Done | Part 1
Story by scorp (17)
A scary shirt story
5 mins
Words: 1088
Read Time: 5 mins
a game
Story by scorp (17)
He didn't move that piece. So now the question was, who did?
3 mins
Words: 643
Read Time: 3 mins