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(Showing 1 - 21 of 922 Results)
Can I have a bl*w job? 18+
Story by Galaxian (30)
A nightmare scenario ensues when this guy asks his girlfriend for something cheeky outside of her family home.
1 min
Words: 208
Read Time: 1 min
Men Don't Listen
Story by Galaxian (30)
Proof men don't listen when this man uses the ladies room.
1 min
Words: 231
Read Time: 1 min
The Skin Tin 18+
Story by ClaudiaM (56)
A child collects skin as a hobby.
1 min
Words: 304
Read Time: 1 min
His First Time 18+
Story by Galaxian (30)
Funny story about a young guy who tells his parents about his first time, with a very funny twist at the end.
<1 min
Words: 155
Read Time: <1 min
Oops, Wrong E-mail Address
Story by Galaxian (30)
He opened his laptop and sent his wife an e-mail. However....
1 min
Words: 227
Read Time: 1 min
Jungle In The Gym
Story by Matt Decker (46)
An imaginative boy describes his unbelievable day at recess.
3 mins
Words: 738
Read Time: 3 mins
The Life Of A Teen-Aged Mess #1
Story by WannabeArora (33)
My life is pretty simple. I go to Good will middle. I'm in eighth grade. I have a best friend, and had a boyfriend. So yeah my life is perfect, right? WRONG!!!!! My name is Nicole Blake I'm 14 years old and my life is a MESS!!!
9 mins
Words: 1947
Read Time: 9 mins
Back to School, Fools!!!
Story by Despicable_Moi (19)
School time! No more self-distancing!
4 mins
Words: 940
Read Time: 4 mins
You Think YOU'RE Having A Bad Day?
Story by Galaxian (30)
If you think you're having a bad day, wait until you read this funny short story.
3 mins
Words: 728
Read Time: 3 mins
Living in Hell 18+
Story by Galaxian (30)
A guy dies and finds himself in hell. All seems cool until.... Read this short story to find out.
1 min
Words: 302
Read Time: 1 min
Hansel & Grettle Are the Bad Guys
Story by Durandal (20)
This is an assignment I did for school. The story we used was one where Hansel & Grettle died. We had to make an argument in either the witch is or is not innocent.
3 mins
Words: 765
Read Time: 3 mins
3 Men Go to Hell 18+
Story by King (20)
If you don't enjoy dark humour then stay away from this
1 min
Words: 358
Read Time: 1 min
Hilarious Painful Dream
Story by Cryptic Doyinsola (24)
I finally found love..... Just like the Hollywood movies
1 min
Words: 316
Read Time: 1 min
The Chili Fart
Story by Galaxian (30)
'The Chili Fart' is a funny short story about the misfortunes of a guy who had a bad stomach after eating some chili. Reading is a guaranteed laugh.
4 mins
Words: 880
Read Time: 4 mins
An Angel's Death
Story by Zack (17)
A boy dies a miserable life and is now an Earth Angel...but can he do the right thing? (part 1)
12 mins
Words: 2502
Read Time: 12 mins
Poor Choice of Words
Story by King (20)
We've all made verbal mistakes before, but not like this
<1 min
Words: 149
Read Time: <1 min
Missing Pt2
Story by Krypton (18)
Nick's wife suddenly goes missing one night, and he is blamed for the murder, but was she really murdered?
1 min
Words: 373
Read Time: 1 min
Saying I Love You Part.4
Story by Black Sheep (19)
Part three of Saying I Love You.....
<1 min
Words: 134
Read Time: <1 min
Watch Your Step
Story by King (20)
Personally, I would have wished to fly
<1 min
Words: 110
Read Time: <1 min
On the Run
Story by Lyn (16)
A young girl, a young boy, and a whole lot of trouble. What chaos have they caused this time?
4 mins
Words: 926
Read Time: 4 mins
And Then The Fight Started
Story by Galaxian (30)
A married man gets into situations... and then the fight started.
2 mins
Words: 435
Read Time: 2 mins