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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

Tonight, I Feel Empty
Dear Me; stay with me.
<1 min
Words: 136
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Attendance
To you mister; fall in love with me already.
<1 min
Words: 180
Read Time: <1 min
What Do You Want to Do?
Spread your blessings.
2 mins
Words: 510
Read Time: 2 mins
Empty October Evening
The noise of my tears break the silence of another October evening without her.
5 mins
Words: 1110
Read Time: 5 mins
Dear Crush, You Have Distrupt My Cue
It’s hard to not write about ‘him’.
2 mins
Words: 516
Read Time: 2 mins
What Is Fiction if Not the Longings of Our Heart
Pretty thing is a fiction because you know how it ends.
<1 min
Words: 168
Read Time: <1 min
To You, My ‘Crush’
To ask you out.
<1 min
Words: 179
Read Time: <1 min
That One Look at You
Infatuation and love overlaps with driving one to do things which can’t be explained.
<1 min
Words: 163
Read Time: <1 min
Dear Crush
There is a nice touch to the air around when your eyes gets to settle on the guy you have been crushing over.
<1 min
Words: 195
Read Time: <1 min
That Month of the Year
I wasn’t alone. I had me. So I cried to my heart’s content.
2 mins
Words: 538
Read Time: 2 mins
Your Dark Coloured Slipovers of Wool
The world moves around me and I manage to remain in a haze of infatuation, My constant this year.
1 min
Words: 202
Read Time: 1 min
My Heart! How Still It Aches
There is no time cap on how long before you will feel normal again after a loss to death.
1 min
Words: 209
Read Time: 1 min