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(Showing 1 - 21 of 2458 Results)
I'll Come for You
Story by TheForgotten (22)
A girl is devastated when she loses her fiancé one day...
1 min
Words: 395
Read Time: 1 min
The Wind Knew
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
A girl stuck in the well-lit confines of her city and home, and a boy far away living with his silent people in the dark. Both want to learn of the unknown around them.
18 mins
Words: 3745
Read Time: 18 mins
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
An author wasting his time?
1 min
Words: 377
Read Time: 1 min
Journey of Perfection in Love.
Story by Imitation.o (23)
It tells about the perfection in love. As no one is perfect in it.
2 mins
Words: 515
Read Time: 2 mins
a preview
just an idea of mine
2 mins
Words: 403
Read Time: 2 mins
The Dark
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
"Are you afraid of the dark?"
1 min
Words: 214
Read Time: 1 min
Words of Nothing
Story by Amber Jones (19)
For those who have lost their beloved to the ruthless vice of war.
7 mins
Words: 1575
Read Time: 7 mins
Lams, Jeffmads, and Mullette: a Hamilton Fanfiction | Part I
Story by EverythingIsFine (20)
Alex and John end up in a tree and Jefferson's an asshole. The 'Fluff Break' is by my friend (cross-referencing Hamilton and DEH (It's in Part III)).
14 mins
Words: 2994
Read Time: 14 mins
Jungle In The Gym
Story by Matt Decker (46)
An imaginative boy describes his unbelievable day at recess.
3 mins
Words: 738
Read Time: 3 mins
Letters Across the Sea
Story by Thomas Ray (21)
Brother and sister. Writing.
9 mins
Words: 1903
Read Time: 9 mins
Beckett Pt. 1
Story by LOVESPIKE3000 (20)
This is about an unpopular girl and a popular girl who fall in love. But they have to keep it a secret...
4 mins
Words: 970
Read Time: 4 mins
An Angel's Death (Part 2)
Story by Zack (17)
Part 2 of An Angel's Death. A new friend, but is he really a friend?
5 mins
Words: 1131
Read Time: 5 mins
Dear mom, I'm a stranger?
Musing by Zack (17)
This would be something that I wish I could tell my mom.
<1 min
Words: 160
Read Time: <1 min
Truth of Dreaming
Story by Dari Poulson (21)
Did you ever have that one friend who never was really there?
<1 min
Words: 92
Read Time: <1 min
Story by academbrella (23)
Sometimes, you are not who you think you are.
10 mins
Words: 2134
Read Time: 10 mins
The Girl Who Left Her Guard Up
Story by why_now (20)
This is a story kind of like "The Girl with Depression" but a little bit longer. She didn't find the need to hide who she really was.
4 mins
Words: 881
Read Time: 4 mins
The Garden and the Seed
Story by Matt Bailey (40)
A short allegory
3 mins
Words: 778
Read Time: 3 mins
My Poems
Poem by HazbinAllover (21)
These are the first poems that I wrote.
1 min
Words: 280
Read Time: 1 min
Paint Me A Picture
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Why a picture is worth a thousand words.
5 mins
Words: 1000
Read Time: 5 mins
My Heart Has Been Stolen
Poem by SJD ❤ (20)
I want to tell this to a person.
<1 min
Words: 90
Read Time: <1 min
Book 1: Ramsey Doogetwadset
Story by Savage3footer (20)
Funny story about two kids on earth who encounter some problems. THERE IS A SECOND BOOK, So if you liked this one read it!
6 mins
Words: 1326
Read Time: 6 mins