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(Showing 1 - 21 of 367 Results)
Now We're Together Mommy
Story by resie (34)
A mother hate for her daughter and a daughter's love for her mother. Please rate.
3 mins
Words: 757
Read Time: 3 mins
This Is What Happens When I Get Tired...
Story by Bird (27)
Due to popular demand (one comment) I have made another story.
3 mins
Words: 790
Read Time: 3 mins
What Is Wrong With Me?
Story by SmileyKitty (41)
A story about people not wanting to do things with you because of something they don't like about you. a true story. About me.
2 mins
Words: 410
Read Time: 2 mins
dont turn on the light
Story by haleyhayseed (24)
somethings there but nobody knows what it is
2 mins
Words: 541
Read Time: 2 mins
The Broken Man
Story by JamesD147 (23)
When everything's gone and life's empty, to keep going on seems pointless.
2 mins
Words: 437
Read Time: 2 mins
The Gold Lighter 18+
Story by robertmoons (68)
A crime drama based on the 'tradition' of honour killings. Two men drive out of the city and out onto an isolated country road with someone in the trunk of their car.
10 mins
Words: 2172
Read Time: 10 mins
Lockdown 1
Story by Justice_Dolly (26)
This is about how a serious lock down got scary real quick.
1 min
Words: 344
Read Time: 1 min
When All Light Dies
Story by superman21 (29)
Those days when youre feeling down
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Don't Call Me Sweetheart 18+
WARNING: Contains VERY explicit language.
1 min
Words: 324
Read Time: 1 min
Lock Your Doors
Story by Mother Goose (21)
This is a short creepy story with a nice cliffhanger in the end! I hope you'll enjoy!
3 mins
Words: 671
Read Time: 3 mins
My Little Dolly
Story by Deadlydolly (21)
A 13 year old girl named Annabelle byes a doll at a Thrift Shop. From that day everything goes downhill.
4 mins
Words: 963
Read Time: 4 mins
Pulse 18+
Story by Doublezmagnum (24)
A scary story about mutation and surgery and more!
23 mins
Words: 4779
Read Time: 23 mins
The Wolf Face
Story by SharonKrager (75)
A woman encounters what she thinks might be a werewolf.
3 mins
Words: 716
Read Time: 3 mins
Sprite's Fright (Prologue)
Story by PinkyTune (19)
A little girl named Sprite endeavours to convince her parents to let her go to school.
4 mins
Words: 972
Read Time: 4 mins
The prisoner
Story by Jtodx90 (34)
A man gets caught for robbery and is sentenced to 5 life sentences and by death life eternity until his debt is paid.
6 mins
Words: 1283
Read Time: 6 mins
The Silent Game
Story by mindful_ideas (24)
The unknown history of a young child.
2 mins
Words: 491
Read Time: 2 mins
Where Is She? Whats Going On?
Story by zoec (23)
A young girls mum dies and her dad looks after her until he hangs him self and then the dad takes over the girls body.
6 mins
Words: 1203
Read Time: 6 mins
Seventh Trap 18+
Story by Justice_Dolly (26)
He desperately needed help. He couldn't call anyone and he couldn't run. So he set up 7 traps to catch "it". Will he succeed? Will he catch it?
1 min
Words: 265
Read Time: 1 min
Story by littlemermaid22 (22)
The old branches of an ancient oak tree reach above the road, as I walk underneath them on my way to school eerie whispers call to me, and screams is despair mix with the shallow rattling of the wind.
3 mins
Words: 678
Read Time: 3 mins
Reclaimed Memories
Story by kolulu (24)
All of my family was laying on the cold, hard, wooden floor...
3 mins
Words: 680
Read Time: 3 mins
A Game of Pride
Story by Sachin Varghese (28)
The local chess champion faces a new opponent.
5 mins
Words: 1087
Read Time: 5 mins